3111 - 3120 out of 3,993Page size: 10
  1. Experimental study of the development of centrifugal circulation in a liquid under various boundary conditions

    Шарифуллин, Б. Р. & Наумов, И. В., 14 Oct 2024, In: E3S Web of Conferences. 578, 7 p., 01043.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  2. Experimental Study of Terahertz Surface Wave Field on Metallic and Composite Graphene Films

    Kukotenko, V. D., Gerasimov, V. V., Khasanov, I. S., Lemzyakov, A. G., Ivanov, A. I. & Antonova, I. V., 2024, International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices, EDM. IEEE Computer Society, p. 1070-1073 4 p. (International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices, EDM).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  3. Experimental study of natural disturbances of a supersonic boundary layer on a swept-wing model with periodic roughness

    Yatskikh, A. A., Panina, A. V., Yermolaev, Y. G., Kosinov, A. D. & Semionov, N. V., 26 Oct 2020, High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, HEPCM 2020: Proceedings of the XXVII Conference on High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of RI Soloukhin. Fomin, V. M. (ed.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 4 p. 030066. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2288).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  4. Experimental study of metastable liquids decay during depressurization in cylindrical channel

    Kozulin, I., Bartkus, G. & Dimov, S., 25 Oct 2017, In: EPJ Web of Conferences. 159, 0025.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Experimental Study of Mass Transfer in a Plug Regime of Immiscible Liquid–Liquid Flow in a T-Shaped Microchannel

    Vostretsov, S., Yagodnitsyna, A., Kovalev, A. & Bilsky, A., May 2023, In: Energies. 16, 10, 13 p., 4059.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Experimental Study of LoRa Modulation Immunity to Doppler Effect in CubeSat Radio Communications

    Doroshkin, A. A., Zadorozhny, A. M., Kus, O. N., Prokopyev, V. Y. & Prokopyev, Y. M., 1 Jan 2019, In: IEEE Access. 7, p. 75721-75731 11 p., 8723123.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Experimental study of heat transfer in the boundary layer of a flat plate with the impact of weak shock waves on the leading edge

    Kocharin, V. L., Yatskikh, A. A., Prishchepova, D. S., Panina, A. V., Yermolaev, Y. G., Kosinov, A. D., Semionov, N. V. & Afanasev, L. V., 26 Oct 2020, High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, HEPCM 2020: Proceedings of the XXVII Conference on High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of RI Soloukhin. Fomin, V. M. (ed.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 4 p. 030014. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2288).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  8. Experimental study of excitation and evolution of contrarotating longitudinal vortices in a boundary layer of a flat plate at M = 2

    Piterimova, M., Kosinov, A., Semionov, N., Yatskikh, A., Yermolaev, Y. & Kocharin, V., 26 Oct 2020, High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, HEPCM 2020: Proceedings of the XXVII Conference on High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of RI Soloukhin. Fomin, V. M. (ed.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 5 p. 030034. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2288).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  9. Experimental study of effect of a couple of weak shock waves on boundary layer of the blunt flat plate

    Kocharin, V. L., Semionov, N. V., Kosinov, A. D., Yermolaev, Y. G. & Yatskikh, A. A., 2 Nov 2018, 19th International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research, ICMAR 2018. Fomin (ed.). American Institute of Physics Inc., Vol. 2027. 5 p. 040026. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2027).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  10. Experimental study of dispersed flows in microchannels for 3D printing of composite materials

    Kovalev, A. V., Yagodnitsyna, A. A. & Bilsky, A. V., 2022, In: Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. 29, 6, p. 913-920 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

ID: 3085556