1. A two-dimensional electron gas sensing motion of a nanomechanical cantilever

    Shevyrin, A. & Pogosov, A., 12 May 2017, In: Mechanical Sciences. 8, 1, p. 111-115 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Au-induced crystallization of non-stoichiometric amorphous silicon oxide initiated by nanosecond laser pulses

    Samokhvalov, F. A., Smirnov, N. I., Rodionov, A. A., Zamchiy, A. O., Baranov, E. A., Shukhov, Y. G., Fedotov, A. S. & Starinskiy, S. V., Mar 2023, In: Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. 30, 2, p. 361-365 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Autocatalytic decomposition of energetic materials: interplay of theory and thermal analysis in the study of 5-amino-3,4-dinitropyrazole thermolysis

    Muravyev, N. V., Gorn, M. V., Melnikov, I. N., Monogarov, K. A., Korsunskii, B. L., Dalinger, I. L., Pivkina, A. N. & Kiselev, V. G., 17 Jun 2022, In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 24, 26, p. 16325-16342 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. A UV Inductive Nitrogen Laser with a Peak Pulse Power of 600 kW

    Razhev, A. M., Churkin, D. S. & Tkachenko, R. A., 1 Jul 2020, In: Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 84, 7, p. 796-798 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Averages of b-hadron, c-hadron, and τ -lepton properties as of summer 2016

    Amhis, Y., Banerjee, S., Ben-Haim, E., Bernlochner, F., Bozek, A., Bozzi, C., Chrząszcz, M., Dingfelder, J., Duell, S., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Gerstel, D., Goldenzweig, P., Harr, R., Hayasaka, K., Hayashii, H., Kenzie, M., Kuhr, T., Leroy, O., Lusiani, A., & 24 othersLyu, X. R., Miyabayashi, K., Naik, P., Nanut, T., Oyanguren Campos, A., Patel, M., Pedrini, D., Petrič, M., Rama, M., Roney, M., Rotondo, M., Schneider, O., Schwanda, C., Schwartz, A. J., Serrano, J., Shwartz, B., Tesarek, R., Tonelli, D., Trabelsi, K., Urquijo, P., Van Kooten, R., Yelton, J., Zupanc, A. & Heavy Flavor Averaging Group (HFLAV), 1 Dec 2017, In: European Physical Journal C. 77, 12, 335 p., 895.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. A water-soluble octahedral molybdenum cluster complex as a potential agent for X-ray induced photodynamic therapy

    Kirakci, K., Pozmogova, T. N., Protasevich, A. Y., Vavilov, G. D., Stass, D. V., Shestopalov, M. A. & Lang, K., 21 Apr 2021, In: Biomaterials Science. 9, 8, p. 2893-2902 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Axial electron conductivity in open magnetic trap

    Bagryansky, P. A., Korobeynikova, O. A., Lizunov, A. A., Maksimov, V. V., Murakhtin, S. V., Prikhodko, V. V., Savkin, V. Y., Soldatkina, E. I., Solomakhin, A. L. & Yakovlev, D. V., 1 Aug 2019.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  8. Axial plasma confinement in Gas Dynamic Trap

    Soldatkina, E. I., Bagryansky, P. A., Beklemishev, A. D., Fedorenkov, E. A., Konshin, Z. E., Korobeynikova, O. A., Lizunov, A. A., Maksimov, V. V., Murakhtin, S. V., Pinzhenin, E. I., Prikhodko, V. V., Savkin, V. Y., Solomakhin, A. L. & Yakovlev, D. V., 1 Jan 2019, In: Plasma and Fusion Research. 14, Specialissue1, 4 p., 2402006.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Azimuthal asymmetries of back-to-back π±- (π0, η, π±) pairs in e+e- annihilation

    The BELLE collaboration & Аульченко, В. М., 27 Nov 2019, In: Physical Review D. 100, 9, 26 p., 092008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Azimuthal separation in nearly back-to-back jet topologies in inclusive 2- and 3-jet events in pp collisions at √s=13Te

    The CMS collaboration & Сковпень, Ю. И., 1 Sept 2019, In: European Physical Journal C. 79, 9, p. 773 24 p., 773.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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