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  1. Intensity-only-measurement mode decomposition in few-mode fibers

    Manuylovich, E., Donodin, A. & Turitsyn, S., 25 Oct 2021, In: Optics Express. 29, 22, p. 36769-36783 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Intensive lasing on D’–A’ transitions of BrF molecules (354.5 nm) excited by TEA-discharge

    Razhev, A. M., Kapusta, D. N. & Kargapol'tsev, E. S., 15 Nov 2020, In: Optics Communications. 475, 4 p., 126203.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Intensive multiple-velocity electron beams (formation methods, using for broadband generation)

    Kalinin, Y. A., Starodubov, A. V. & Fokin, A. S., 16 Jan 2015, ICOPS/BEAMS 2014 - 41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 7012358. (ICOPS/BEAMS 2014 - 41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  4. Intensive multiple-velocity electron beams (formation methods, using for broadband generation)

    Starodubov, A. V., Kalinin, Y. A. & Fokin, A. S., 16 Jan 2015, ICOPS/BEAMS 2014 - 41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 7012739. (ICOPS/BEAMS 2014 - 41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  5. Intensive therapy and anaesthesia in ectopic pregnancy (according to the materials «ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Clinical guidelines (Treatment protocol). MH RF No 15-4/10/2-729 of 06.02.2017»)

    Adamyan, L. V., Artymuk, N. V., Belokrinitskaya, T. E., Kozachenko, A. V., Kulikov, A. V., Popov, A. A., Protsenko, D. N., Pyregov, A. V., Rogachevskiy, O. V., Filippov, O. S., Shifman, E. M., Shchukina, N. A. & Drobinskaya, A. N., 1 Jan 2017, In: Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii. 16, 5, p. 69-77 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Interaction between carboplatin and cucurbit[7]uril studied by means of multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and DFT calculations

    Mirzaeva, I. V., Moroz, N. K., Andrienko, I. V. & Kovalenko, E. A., 5 Jul 2018, In: Journal of Molecular Structure. 1163, p. 68-76 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Interaction between Electrons and Dipole Excitons in Two-Dimensional Systems (Scientific Summary)

    Kalameitsev, A. V., Mahmoodian, M. M. & Chaplik, A. V., 1 Jun 2019, In: JETP Letters. 109, 12, p. 806-815 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Interaction between graphene oxide and acetaminophen in water under simulated sunlight: Implications for environmental photochemistry of PPCPs

    Zou, Y., Wang, W., Wang, H., Pan, C., Xu, J., Pozdnyakov, I. P., Wu, F. & Li, J., 1 Jan 2023, In: Water Research. 228, Pt A, 119364.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Interaction-controlled transport in a two-dimensional massless-massive Dirac system: Transition from degenerate to nondegenerate regimes

    Levin, A. D., Gusev, G. M., Hernandez, F. G. G., Olshanetsky, E. B., Kovalev, V. M., Entin, M. V. & Mikhailov, N. N., Apr 2024, In: Physical Review Research. 6, 2, 023121.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Interaction-dominated transport in two-dimensional conductors: From degenerate to partially degenerate regime

    Gusev, G. M., Levin, A. D., Olshanetsky, E. B., Kvon, Z. D., Kovalev, V. M., Entin, M. V. & Mikhailov, N. N., 25 Apr 2024, In: Physical Review B. 109, 3, 035302.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review