11351 - 11360 out of 25,669Page size: 10
  1. Methods to restore the dynamics of carbon condensation during the detonation of high explosives

    Rubtsov, I. A., Ten, K. A., Pruuel, E. R., Kashkarov, A. O., Kremenko, S. I., Voronin, M. S., Shekhtman, L. I., Zhulanov, V. V. & Tolochko, B. P., 18 Jan 2019, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1147, 1, 8 p., 012038.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  2. Method to determine bubble growth incipience moment during flow boiling in a flat microchannel

    Zaitsev, D. V. & Belosludtsev, V. V., 22 Sept 2021, Heat and Mass Transfer in the Thermal Control System of Technical and Technological Energy Equipment, HMTTSC 2021. Kuznetsov, G., Feoktistov, D. & Orlova, E. (eds.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 040002. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2422).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  3. Methyl-3-hexenoate combustion chemistry: Experimental study and numerical kinetic simulation

    Gerasimov, I. E., Knyazkov, D. A., Bolshova, T. A., Shmakov, A. G., Korobeinichev, O. P., Carbonnier, M., Lefort, B., Kéromnès, A., Le Moyne, L., Lubrano Lavadera, M., Konnov, A. A., Zhou, C. W., Serinyel, Z., Dayma, G. & Dagaut, P., 1 Dec 2020, In: Combustion and Flame. 222, p. 170-180 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Methylammonium Polyiodides:: Remarkable Phase Diversity of the Simplest and Low-Melting Alkylammonium Polyiodide System

    Petrov, A. A., Fateev, S. A., Zubavichus, Y. V., Dorovatovskii, P. V., Khrustalev, V. N., Zvereva, I. A., Petrov, A. V., Goodilin, E. A. & Tarasov, A. B., 3 Oct 2019, In: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 10, 19, p. 5776-5780 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Methylation and hydroxymethylation of cytosine alter activity and fidelity of translesion DNA polymerases

    Shilkin, E. S., Petrova, D. V., Novikova, A. A., Boldinova, E. O., Zharkov, D. O. & Makarova, A. V., Sept 2024, In: DNA Repair. 141, 12 p., 103712.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Methylation level of genes on various stages of differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells, generated from patients with spinal muscular atrophy, into motoneurons

    Maretina, M. A., Tsyganova, N. A., Shtykalova, S. V., Egorova, A. A., Valetdinova, K. R., Zakian, S. M., Baranov, V. S. & Kiselev, A. V., Oct 2019, In: European journal of human genetics. 27, p. 1487-1487 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review

  7. Methyl Methacrylate Copolymer with Pendant Thioxanthenone Groups as Active Layer for Resistive Memory Devices

    Odintsov, D. S., Gismatulin, A. A., Shundrina, I. K., Buktoyarova, A. D., Os'kina, I. A., Beckmann, J., Azarov, I. A., Dementeva, E. V., Shundrin, L. A. & Gritsenko, V. A., 4 Nov 2024, In: ChemPhysChem. 25, 21, p. e202400266 e202400266.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Methyl Propiolate Cluster Complex (Ph 4 P) 2 [W 6 I 8 (C≡C–C(O)OCH 3 ) 6 ]

    Mikhailov, M. A., Abramov, P. A., Mironova, A. D., Gallyamov, M. R., Sheven’, D. G., Pervukhin, V. V. & Sokolov, M. N., 1 Jan 2019, In: Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry/Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya. 45, 1, p. 56-61 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Methyl substituent effect on structure, luminescence and semiconducting properties of furan/phenylene co-oligomer single crystals

    Kazantsev, M. S., Beloborodova, A. A., Frantseva, E. S., Rybalova, T. V., Konstantinov, V. G., Shundrina, I. K., Paraschuk, D. Y. & Mostovich, E. A., 7 Apr 2017, In: CrystEngComm. 19, 13, p. 1809-1815 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Methylsulfate Complex (Bu4N)2[Мo6I8(O3SOCH3)6]: Synthesis, Structure, Lability of Ligands, and Phosphorescence

    Mikhaylov, M. A., Sukhikh, T. S., Sheven’, D. G., Berezin, A. S., Sokolov, M. N. & Kompan’kov, N. B., Jul 2024, In: Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry/Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya. 50, 7, p. 492-499 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review