1. 2021
  2. Water Vapor Adsorption on CAU-10- X: Effect of Functional Groups on Adsorption Equilibrium and Mechanisms

    Solovyeva, M. V., Shkatulov, A. I., Gordeeva, L. G., Fedorova, E. A., Krieger, T. A. & Aristov, Y. I., 19 Jan 2021, In: Langmuir. 37, 2, p. 693-702 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Heterogeneous Parahydrogen-Induced Polarization of Diethyl Ether for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Applications

    Salnikov, O. G., Svyatova, A., Kovtunova, L. M., Chukanov, N. V., Bukhtiyarov, V. I., Kovtunov, K. V., Chekmenev, E. Y. & Koptyug, I. V., 18 Jan 2021, In: Chemistry - A European Journal. 27, 4, p. 1316-1322 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Detailed modeling of sorptive and textural properties of CaO-based sorbents with various porous structures

    Bazaikin, Y. V., Malkovich, E. G., Prokhorov, D. I. & Derevschikov, V. S., 15 Jan 2021, In: Separation and Purification Technology. 255, 117746.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Diamond diffractive lens with a continuous profile for powerful terahertz radiation

    Komlenok, M., Kononenko, T., Sovyk, D., Pavelyev, V., Knyazev, B., Ashkinazi, E., Reshetnikov, A., Komandin, G., Pashinin, V., Ralchenko, V. & Konov, V., 15 Jan 2021, In: Optics Letters. 46, 2, p. 340-343 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Distribution patterns of grasshoppers and their kin over the eurasian steppes

    Sergeev, M. G., 15 Jan 2021, In: Insects. 12, 1, p. 1-23 23 p., 77.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  7. Effect of the synthesis conditions of Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 powder on its morphology and characteristics of the oxygen ion-conducting ceramics obtained by spark plasma sintering

    Maslennikov, D. V., Matvienko, A. A., Sidelnikov, A. A., Dudina, D. V., Esikov, M. A., Belosludov, R. V. & Kato, H., 15 Jan 2021, In: Ceramics International. 47, 2, p. 2557-2564 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Laminar flame structure of ethyl pentanoate at low and atmospheric-pressure: Experimental and kinetic modeling study

    Dmitriev, A. M., Osipova, K. N., Shmakov, A. G., Bolshova, T. A., Knyazkov, D. A. & Glaude, P. A., 15 Jan 2021, In: Energy. 215, 13 p., 119115.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Mg3N2 nanocrystallites formation during the GaN:Mg layers growth by the NH3-MBE technique

    Malin, T. V., Mansurov, V. G., Galitsyn, Y. G., Milakhin, D. S., Protasov, D. Y., Ber, B. Y., Kazantsev, D. Y., Ratnikov, V. V., Shcheglov, M. P., Smirnov, A. N., Davydov, V. Y. & Zhuravlev, K. S., 15 Jan 2021, In: Journal of Crystal Growth. 554, 8 p., 125963.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Nanosecond optical parametric oscillator with midinfrared intracavity difference-frequency mixing in orientation-patterned GaAs

    Wang, L., Chen, W., Schunemann, P., Schirrmacher, A., Büttner, E., Boyko, A. A., Ye, N., Zhang, G., Zhao, Y. & Petrov, V., 15 Jan 2021, In: Optics Letters. 46, 2, p. 332-335 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Polymorphism in SmSc3(BO3)4: Crystal structure, luminescent and SHG properties

    Kuznetsov, A. B., Kokh, K. A., Kononova, N. G., Shevchenko, V. S., Rashchenko, S. V., Ezhov, D. M., Jamous, A. Y., Bolatov, A., Uralbekov, B., Svetlichnyi, V. A. & Kokh, A. E., 15 Jan 2021, In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 851, 8 p., 156825.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review