Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)582-605
Number of pages24
JournalKinetics and Catalysis
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2019


    Research areas

  • catalysis of biofuel conversion into syngas, characterization of the structure, surface, mobility and reactivity of oxygen, fluorite, perovskite, spinel structures, mathematical modeling, mechanism, nanocrystalline mixed oxides, performance and stability, structured catalysts and catalytic membranes, synthesis, MGAL2O4 SPINEL, CERIA-ZIRCONIA, SUPERCRITICAL ALCOHOLS, OXYGEN MOBILITY, mobility and reactivity of oxygen, PEROVSKITE-TYPE OXIDES, METHANE PARTIAL OXIDATION, fluorite, spinel structures, perovskite, surface, SOLID-SOLUTIONS, OF-THE-ART, characterization of the structure, ETHANOL, NI

ID: 21855501