1. 2025
  2. Transient electromagnetic monitoring of the cryolithozone: mathematical modeling

    Эпов, М. И., Глинских, В. Н., Нечаев, О. В., Даниловский, К. Н. & Михайлов, И. В., 1 Jan 2025, In: Russian Geology and Geophysics. 66, 1, p. 111-117 7 p., 8.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. 2021
  4. Нейросетевой подход к экспресс-моделированию сигналов электрокаротажа в реалистичных моделях сложнопостроенных терригенных отложений

    Petrov, A. M., Danilovskiy, K. N., Sukhorukova, K. V., Leonenko, A. R. & Lapkovskaya, A. A., 2021, In: Geology and Mineral Resources of Siberia. 4 (48), p. 70-78 9 p., 6.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. 2018
  6. 3D modelling of the new resistivity microimaging tool signals for logging while drilling

    Glinskikh, V., Nechaev, O. & Danilovskiy, K., 1 Jan 2018, 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018: Opportunities Presented by the Energy Transition. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, (80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018: Opportunities Presented by the Energy Transition).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

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