Profile Information

The main topics of the laboratory: chemistry of cluster and polynuclear coordination compounds of d- and f-metals, combining a polymetallic framework and functional organic ligands, giving the complex the properties necessary for creating coordination polymers, nanoparticles, catalysts, magnetically ordered systems and other objects necessary for development high technology.
The main areas of research:
1. Development of synthetic methods and approaches to hybrid cluster and polynuclear coordination compounds of d- and f-metals.
2. A comprehensive study of the molecular and electronic structure of the obtained compounds by experimental (RSA, RS, NMR, IR, Raman, UV, magnetochemistry, calorimetry, etc.) and theoretical methods (Hartree-Fock (HF), density functional theory (DFT), and also topological methods of quantum chemistry in combination with the study of luminescent, radiopaque, magnetic and electrically conductive properties.
3. Search for ways to use the obtained compounds to create a fundamentally new functional materials.

ID: 3082685