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The main activity of the joint laboratory is to participate in the Belle II calorimeter upgrade, to prepare for the experiment and to analyze data collected at the experiments Belle & Belle II. Conducting precision measurements is one of the important directions in high energy physics. It provides information on the manifestations of the interaction of new particles with masses higher than the characteristic energy of the investigated processes. Examples of such experiments are the B-factories: Belle and Babar, which for the past fifteen years have been providing and continue to provide very interesting and important results in the study of CP violation in B-meson decays, in the physics of B-, D-mesons and τ-lepton decays.
In 2010, the Belle detector operation was stopped. The integrated luminosity collected so far exceeds 1040 inverse femtobarn. Presently continues the processing of these experimental data. Thanks to the success of the experiment and the importance of Belle results that can be obtained in this energy region, the Belle II collaboration was organized. This collaboration have upgraded the detector and accelerator to increase the luminosity of the machine of up to 8×10^35 cm-2s-1. The new experiment will allow the measurement of all the angles of the unitarity triangle with a few percent accuracy, and provide an opportunity to go beyond the Standard Model. In addition to studying the mechanism of CP violation, a large set of data obtained in this experiment will allow obtaining new results on the physics of B-, D-mesons and τ-lepton decays. The Belle II experiment will provide a large number of new, interesting physical results over the next ten years.
Increase of the luminosity and background load on the collider sets new requirements on the detector systems. To provide effective calorimeter operation, it needs to be upgraded. BINP group participates in methodological work on the upgrade of the detector calorimeter system. It has developed and proposed the calorimeter upgrade scheme.
For the barrel part of the calorimeter, the counter electronics have been replaced by the scheme with pipeline read-out followed by the data fit with a known response function. Such procedure allows the determination of both the energy and the signal arrival time. Usage of the time information allows the suppression of the fake clusters rate.

ID: 3081244