Profile Information

The Laboratory is an interdisciplinary scientific center for comprehensive study of paleoenviroment conditions of ancient human populations in Eurasia in Pleistocene and Holocene.
The laboratory work has a fundamental character, the achievement of significant results for world science, the efforts of the Laboratory are concentrated in two main directions:
- integrated study of Stone Age sites in mountain and foothill regions of Central Asia (Altai, Western Pamir-Tien-Shan) and Europe (Balkans, Caucasus);
-Study of geochronology of archaeological objects and human paleoecology of the south of Western Siberia during the Holocene epoch.
The following types of works are implemented within the framework of the laboratory activity:
- study of conditions of accumulation of Pleistocene and Holocene deposits on key-geoarchaeological objects;
- stratification of archaeological objects with reliable lithological, chronological, paleofaunal and paleobotanical substantiation;
- cultural and economic identification of archaeological complexes in the territory of the regions under study;
- determination of absolute and relative age of geoarchaeological objects;
- reconstruction of processes of formation and changes in paleolandscapes, paleoclimates and paleobiota of Pleistocene and Holocene in large cultural-historical regions of Eurasia.

ID: 3088152