1. Achieving a high Short Circuit Current Density of 40.9 mA/cm2 for Two-Side Contacted Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells by using SiC-based Transparent Passivating Contacts

    Eberst, A., Zamchiy, A., Qiu, K., Lambertz, A., Duan, W., Li, S., Bittkau, K., Haas, S., Finger, F., Kirchartz, T., Rau, U. & Ding, K., 20 Jun 2021, 2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, PVSC 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 300-302 3 p. (Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  2. A combined study of HiSCORE and TAIGA scintillation detector array for the identification of EASs

    the TAIGA Collaboration, 27 Sept 2024, In: Proceedings of Science. 444, 8 p., 260.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  3. A comparative study of optical properties and X-ray induced luminescence of octahedral molybdenum and tungsten cluster complexes

    Evtushok, D. V., Melnikov, A. R., Vorotnikova, N. A., Vorotnikov, Y. A., Ryadun, A. A., Kuratieva, N. V., Kozyr, K. V., Obedinskaya, N. R., Kretov, E. I., Novozhilov, I. N., Mironov, Y. V., Stass, D. V., Efremova, O. A. & Shestopalov, M. A., 21 Sept 2017, In: Dalton Transactions. 46, 35, p. 11738-11747 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. A Computer-Based Test Bench for Modulating Terahertz FEL Radiation Power

    Shevchenko, O. A., Salikova, T. V., Tararyshkin, S. V., Getmanov, Y. V. & Veber, S. L., 1 Feb 2019, In: Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 83, 2, p. 159-162 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. A concept of 1-2 “structural diagnostics” diffraction beamline for “Skif” synchrotron radiation facility

    Zakharov, B., Vinokurov, Z., Rashchenko, S., Shmakov, A., Boldyreva, E., Gromilov, S., Sukhikh, A., Komarov, V., Larichev, Y., Tsybulya, S., Semerikova, A., Trebushinin, A., Zubavichus, Y. & Rakshun, I., 17 Nov 2020, Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Radiation: Generation and Application, SFR 2020. Knyazev, B. & Vinokurov, N. (eds.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 060002. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  6. A Concise and Efficient Route to Electron-Accepting 2,2′-[2,2′-Arenediylbis(11-oxoanthra[1,2-b]thiophene-6-ylidene)]dipropanedinitriles

    Baranov, D. S., Uvarov, M. N., Kazantsev, M. S., Glebov, E. M., Nevostruev, D. A., Mostovich, E. A., Antonova, O. V. & Kulik, L. V., 24 May 2018, In: European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2018, 19, p. 2259-2266 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Acoustic Measurements on Synthetic Fractured Samples Made Using FDM 3D Printing Technology

    Dugarov, G. A., Kolesnikov, Y. I., Fedin, K. V., Orlov, Y. A. & Ngomayezwe, L., 2022, Processes in GeoMedia—Volume IV. Chaplina, T. (ed.). 1 ed. Springer, p. 9-15 7 p. 1. (Springer Geology).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review

  8. Acousto-optic modulation and deflection of terahertz electromagnetic radiation in nonpolar liquids

    Nikitin, P. A., Voloshinov, V. B., Gerasimov, V. V. & Knyazev, B. A., 1 Jul 2017, In: Technical Physics Letters. 43, 7, p. 635-637 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Activation energy of gold-induced crystallization of amorphous silicon suboxide films

    Zamchiy, A. O., Baranov, E. A., Konstantinov, V. O., Lunev, N. A., Sakhapov, S. Z., Korolkov, I. V. & Volodin, V. A., 15 Sept 2022, In: Materials Letters. 323, 132566.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Active Compensation of Differential Group Delay in a Dual-Wavelength Pulsed Fiber Laser Driven by Quasi-Synchronous Pumping

    Нюшков, Б. Н., Иваненко, А. В., Вишняков, Г. Е., Хараузов, А. & Смирнов, С. В., Jan 2023, In: Photonics. 10, 1, 42.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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