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  1. The 2DEG mobility enhancement for low- and high-electric fields in a new type of AlGaAs/InGaAs heterostructures with donor-acceptor doping

    Protasov, D. Y., Gulyaev, D. V., Bakarov, A. K., Toropov, A. I. & Zhuravlev, K. S., 15 Aug 2017, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 864, 1, 4 p., 012051.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. The advancement of pump channel of high peak and high average power laser system

    Petrov, V. V., Kuptsov, G. V., Petrov, V. A., Laptev, A. V., Kirpichnikov, A. V. & Pestryakov, E. V., 13 Aug 2018, Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2018, ICLO 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 1 p. 8435474

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  3. The AWAKE Run 2 Programme and Beyond †

    (AWAKE Collaboration), Aug 2022, In: Symmetry. 14, 8, 1680.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. The Belle II physics book

    Belle II Collaboration, Эйдельман, С. И., Кроковный, П. П. & Ремнев, М. А., Dec 2019, In: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2019, 12, 654 p., ARTN 123C01.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  5. The charge trap density evolution in wake-up and fatigue modes of FRAM

    Islamov, D. R., Orlov, O. M., Gritsenko, V. A. & Krasnikov, G. J., 1 Jan 2017, SEMICONDUCTORS, DIELECTRICS, AND METALS FOR NANOELECTRONICS 15: IN MEMORY OF SAMARES KAR. Misra, D., DeGendt, S., Houssa, M., Kita, K. & Landheer, D. (eds.). 1 ed. Electrochemical Society, Inc., Vol. 80. p. 279-281 3 p. (ECS Transactions; vol. 80).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  6. The condensation influence on the jet structure after supersonic gas expansion

    Dubrovin, K. A., Zarvin, A. E., Kalyada, V. V. & Yaskin, A. S., 28 Nov 2018, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1105, 1, 6 p., 012114.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  7. The conductivity and ionic transport of doped bismuth titanate pyrochlore Bi1.6МxTi2O7 − δ (М – Mg, Sc, Cu)

    Krasnov, A. G., Piir, I. V., Koroleva, M. S., Sekushin, N. A., Ryabkov, Y. I., Piskaykina, M. M., Sadykov, V. A., Sadovskaya, E. M., Pelipenko, V. V. & Eremeev, N. F., 1 Apr 2017, In: Solid State Ionics. 302, p. 118-125 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. The controlled periodic impact on the longitudinal vortex in the boundary layer at Mach 2

    Piterimova, M. V., Kosinov, A. D., Panina, A. V., Semionov, N. V., Ermolaev, Y. G. & Yatskikh, A. A., 6 Dec 2019, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1404, 1, 012094.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  9. The correlation of the pulsations of flow in the settling chamber with the pulsations of supersonic flow

    Afanasev, L. V., Kocharin, V. L., Yatskikh, A. A., Kosinov, A. D., Semionov, N. V., Yermolaev, Y. G. & Kolosov, G. L., 6 Dec 2019, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1404, 1, 012074.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  10. The coupling of an enhanced pseudo-3D model for hydraulic fracturing with a proppant transport model

    Skopintsev, A. M., Dontsov, E. V., Kovtunenko, P. V., Baykin, A. N. & Golovin, S. V., 1 Sept 2020, In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 236, 20 p., 107177.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

ID: 3088911