1. 2021
  2. Search for new physics in top quark production with additional leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV using effective field theory

    The CMS collaboration & Блинов, В. Е., Mar 2021, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021, 3, 95.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in final states with two bottom quarks and two photons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

    The CMS collaboration, Mar 2021, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021, 3, 257.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Spectral approach to recognize spherical particles among non-spherical ones by angle-resolved light scattering

    Yastrebova, E. S., Dolgikh, I., Gilev, K. V., Vakhrusheva, I. V., Liz, E., Litvinenko, A. L., Nekrasov, V. M., Strokotov, D. I., Karpenko, A. A. & Maltsev, V. P., Mar 2021, In: Optics and Laser Technology. 135, 8 p., 106700.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Study of the Form Factor γ*ωπ 0 Using the SND Detector

    Achasov, M. N., Baikov, A. A., Barnyakov, A. Y., Beloborodov, K. I., Berdyugin, A. V., Bogdanchikov, A. G., Botov, A. A., Golubev, V. B., Dimova, T. V., Druzhinin, V. P., Zhabin, V. N., Zhulanov, V. V., Kardapoltsev, L. V., Kovrizhin, D. P., Korol', A. A., Kupich, A. S., Martin, K. A., Mel'nikova, N. A., Muchnoi, N. Y., Obrazovskii, A. E., & 9 othersPakhtusova, E. V., Pugachev, K. V., Savchenko, Y. S., Serednyakov, S. I., Silagadze, Z. K., Surin, I. K., Usov, Y. V., Kharlamov, A. G. & Shtol', D. A., Mar 2021, In: Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute. 48, 3, p. 87-91 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Study of the Process e+e → ηπ0γ in the Cossision-Energy Range of √s=1.05−2.00 GeV

    Achasov, M. N., Barnyakov, A. Y., Baykov, A. A., Beloborodov, K. I., Berdyugin, A. V., Bogdanchikov, A. G., Botov, A. A., Golubev, V. B., Dimova, T. V., Druzhinin, V. P., Zhabin, V. N., Kardapoltsev, L. V., Kovrizhin, D. P., Korol, A. A., Kupich, A. S., Martin, K. A., Melnikova, N. A., Muchnoi, N. Y., Obrazovsky, A. E., Pakhtusova, E. V., & 8 othersPugachev, K. V., Savchenko, Y. S., Serednyakov, S. I., Silagadze, Z. K., Surin, I. K., Usov, Y. V., Kharlamov, A. G. & Shtol, D. A., Mar 2021, In: Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 84, 2, p. 197-200 4 p., 12.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Диффузия атомов In в пленках SiO2, имплантированных ионами As+

    Tyschenko, I. E., Voelskow, M., Сы, Ч. & Popov, V. P., Mar 2021, In: Физика и техника полупроводников. 55, 3, p. 217-223 7 p., 1.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Collisionless particle dynamics in trap sections with helical corrugation

    Chernoshtanov, I. S. & Ayupov, D. A., 1 Mar 2021, In: Physics of Plasmas. 28, 3, 032502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Experimental Study of Transient Flow Regimes in a Model Hydroturbine Draft Tube

    Litvinov, I., Suslov, D., Gorelikov, E. & Shtork, S., 1 Mar 2021, In: Energies. 14, 5, 13 p., 1240.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Investigation of thermal effects of radiofrequency ablation mediated with iron oxide nanoparticles dispersed in agarose and chitosan solvents

    Ashikbayeva, Z., Aitkulov, A., Wolf, A., Dostovalov, A., Amantayeva, A., Kurbanova, A., Inglezakis, V. J. & Tosi, D., 1 Mar 2021, In: Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11, 5, 2437.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. A New Nonlinear Optical Selenide Crystal AgLiGa2Se4 with Good Comprehensive Performance in Mid-Infrared Region

    Yelisseyev, A., Lobanov, S., Molokeev, M., Zhang, S., Pugachev, A., Lin, Z., Vedenyapin, V., Kurus, A., Khamoyam, A. & Isaenko, L., 4 Mar 2021, In: Advanced Optical Materials. 9, 5, 8 p., 2001856.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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