Profile Information

The Laboratory for Analysis of Integration Processes in Contemporary Eurasia is a center for interdisciplinary research, created in 2018 by the two NSU institutes (the Humanities Institute and the Institute for the Philosophy and Law) to study the prospects for the development of the PRC global political, economic and social initiative “One Belt, One Road” (“New The Silk Road”) by the specialists from various scientific fields (philosophers, political scientists, cultural scientists, Chinese orientalists, experts in the field of international legal relations, economists, etc.). The purpose of the Laboratory is a comprehensive analysis of global Eurasian integration initiatives and their possible economic, political and cultural consequences. In particular, in the field of “political science and international relation” - studying of political prerequisites and prospects for the implementation of global Eurasian projects and forecasting their impact on the geopolitical structure of the future and interstate relations, the analysis of international legal problems of the implementation of the investigated initiatives. In the area of “economics” - studying the institutional aspects of implementing global Eurasian economic projects, analyzing the potential for developing cross-border trade with China in the framework of these initiatives and determining their significance for the development of Siberian regions, studying the role of cross-cultural communications and the interpenetration of business cultures with China in the implementation of the network projects "One Belt, One Road". In the direction of "Oriental studies" - analysis of the historical and cultural prerequisites for the implementation of the global Chinese project "One Belt, One Road", its connection with the medieval and contemporary transport system of the "Silk Road"

Contact information

  • Phone: 363-44-30 (доп. 5377)

ID: 13164368