1. 2016
  2. Ice Recrystallization in a Solution of a Cryoprotector and Its Inhibition by a Protein: Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study

    Zakharov, B., Fisyuk, A., Fitch, A., Watier, Y., Kostyuchenko, A., Varshney, D., Sztucki, M., Boldyreva, E. & Shalaev, E., 1 Jul 2016, In: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 105, 7, p. 2129-2138 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Influence of the nanoaerosol fraction of industrial coal dust on the combustion of methane–air mixtures

    Valiulin, S. V., Baklanov, A. M., Dubtsov, S. N., Zamaschikov, V. V., Klishin, V. I., Kontorovich, A. E., Korzhavin, A. A., Onischuk, A. A., Paleev, D. Y., Purtov, P. A. & Kuibida, L. V., 1 Jul 2016, In: Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves. 52, 4, p. 405-417 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Long-term immobilisation of Cd2+ at the Tulul Al Hammam natural analogue site, central Jordan

    Sokol, E. V., Kokh, S. N., Khoury, H. N., Seryotkin, Y. V. & Goryainov, S. V., 1 Jul 2016, In: Applied Geochemistry. 70, p. 43-60 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Peculiarities of the composition of volatile components in picroilmenites from Yakutian kimberlites of various ages (by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry)

    Tomilenko, A. A., Bul’bak, T. A., Pokhilenko, L. N., Kuzmin, D. V. & Sobolev, N. V., 1 Jul 2016, In: Doklady Earth Sciences. 469, 1, p. 690-694 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Physicochemical parameters of crystallization of melts in intermediate suprasubduction chambers (by the example of Tolbachik and Ichinskii Volcanoes, Kamchatka Peninsula)

    Dobretsov, N. L., Simonov, V. A., Kotlyarov, A. V., Kulakov, R. Y. & Karmanov, N. S., 1 Jul 2016, In: Russian Geology and Geophysics. 57, 7, p. 993-1015 23 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Results of 40Ar/39Ar dating of phlogopites from kelyphitic rims around garnet grains (Udachnaya-Vostochnaya kimberlite pipe)

    Yudin, D. S., Tomilenko, A. A., Alifirova, T. A., Travin, A. V., Murzintsev, N. G. & Pokhilenko, N. P., 1 Jul 2016, In: Doklady Earth Sciences. 469, 1, p. 728-731 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Specific features of studying anisotropic media by methods of time-domain terahertz spectroscopy

    Antsygin, V. D., Losev, V. F., Mamrashev, A. A., Nikolaev, N. A. & Potaturkin, O. I., 1 Jul 2016, In: Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing. 52, 4, p. 374-380 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Switchable dual-pulse-shape mode-locked figure-eight all-PM fibre master oscillator with 0.5 W-level average output

    Kobtsev, S., Ivanenko, A., Fedotov, Y., Smirnov, S., Golubtsov, A. & Khripunov, S., 30 Jun 2016, Fiber Lasers XIII: Technology, Systems, and Applications. SPIE, Vol. 9728. 97281M

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  10. Equilibrium solubility measurement of ionizable drugs - consensus recommendations for improving data quality

    Avdeef, A., Fuguet, E., Llinàs, A., Ràfols, C., Bosch, E., Völgyi, G., Verbic, T., Boldyreva, E. & Takács-Novák, K., 29 Jun 2016, In: ADMET and DMPK. 4, 2, p. 117-178 62 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Ачкасов, А. Ф. & Туманов, И. А., 27 Jun 2016, IPC No. G01N25/02, Роспатент - Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности, Patent No. 162938, Priority date 16 Dec 2015, Priority No. 2015154119

    Research output: PatentPatent for utility model