1. 2018
  2. Measurement of the e + e - → K S K L π 0 cross section in the energy range s = 1.3 - 2.0 GeV

    Achasov, M. N., Aulchenko, V. M., Barnyakov, A. Y., Beloborodov, K. I., Berdyugin, A. V., Berkaev, D. E., Bogdanchikov, A. G., Botov, A. A., Dimova, T. V., Druzhinin, V. P., Golubev, V. B., Kardapoltsev, L. V., Kasaev, A. S., Kharlamov, A. G., Kirpotin, A. N., Koop, I. A., Korneev, L. A., Korol, A. A., Kovrizhin, D. P., Koshuba, S. V., & 17 othersKupich, A. S., Melnikova, N. A., Martin, K. A., Obrazovsky, A. E., Otboev, A. V., Pakhtusova, E. V., Pugachev, K. V., Rogovsky, Y. A., Senchenko, A. I., Serednyakov, S. I., Silagadze, Z. K., Shatunov, Y. M., Shtol, D. A., Shwartz, D. B., Surin, I. K., Usov, Y. V. & Vasiljev, A. V., 20 Feb 2018, In: Physical Review D. 97, 3, 7 p., 032011.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Schumann resonance transients and the search for gravitational waves

    Silagadze, Z. K., 20 Feb 2018, In: Modern Physics Letters A. 33, 5, 8 p., 1850023.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Do photons travel faster than gravitons?

    Ejlli, D., 19 Feb 2018, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2018, 2, 13 p., 035.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Lateral-electric-field-induced spin polarization in a suspended GaAs quantum point contact

    Pokhabov, D. A., Pogosov, A. G., Zhdanov, E. Y., Shevyrin, A. A., Bakarov, A. K. & Shklyaev, A. A., 19 Feb 2018, In: Applied Physics Letters. 112, 8, 4 p., 082102.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Multifunctional Metal-Organic Frameworks Based on Redox-Active Rhenium Octahedral Clusters

    Litvinova, Y. M., Gayfulin, Y. M., Kovalenko, K. A., Samsonenko, D. G., Van Leusen, J., Korolkov, I. V., Fedin, V. P. & Mironov, Y. V., 19 Feb 2018, In: Inorganic Chemistry. 57, 4, p. 2072-2084 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Rapid emergence of independent "chromosomal lineages" in silvered-leaf monkey triggered by Y/autosome translocation

    Capozzi, O., Stanyon, R., Archidiacono, N., Ishida, T., Romanenko, S. A. & Rocchi, M., 19 Feb 2018, In: Scientific Reports. 8, 1, p. 3250 9 p., 3250.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Search for standard model production of four top quarks with same-sign and multilepton final states in proton–proton collisions at √s=13TeV

    The CMS collaboration, Блинов, В. Е. & Сковпень, Ю. И., 19 Feb 2018, In: European Physical Journal C. 78, 2, p. 140 24 p., 140.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Searching for a dark photon: Project of the experiment at VEPP-3

    Wojtsekhowski, B., Baranov, G. N., Blinov, M. F., Levichev, E. B., Mishnev, S. I., Nikolenko, D. M., Rachek, I. A., Shestakov, Y. V., Tikhonov, Y. A., Toporkov, D. K., Alexander, J. P., Battaglieri, M., Celentano, A., Vita, R. D., Marsicano, L., Bondì, M., Napoli, M. D., Italiano, A., Leonora, E. & Randazzo, N., 19 Feb 2018, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 13, 2, 20 p., P02021.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Coupled molecular dynamics and continuum electrostatic method to compute the ionization pKa’s of proteins as a function of pH. Test on a large set of proteins

    Vorobjev, Y. N., Scheraga, H. A. & Vila, J. A., 17 Feb 2018, In: Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 36, 3, p. 561-574 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Light scalar mesons and two-kaon correlation functions

    Achasov, N. N. & Kiselev, A. V., 16 Feb 2018, In: Physical Review D. 97, 3, 6 p., 036015.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review