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  1. Petrography, mineralogy and SIMS U-Pb geochronology of 1.9–1.8 Ga carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks of the Central-Aldan magnesiocarbonatite province (South Yakutia, Russia)

    Prokopyev, I. R., Doroshkevich, A. G., Sergeev, S. A., Ernst, R. E., Ponomarev, J. D., Redina, A. A., Chebotarev, D. A., Nikolenko, A. M., Dultsev, V. F., Moroz, T. N. & Minakov, A. V., 1 Jun 2019, In: Mineralogy and Petrology. 113, 3, p. 329-352 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Petrography and Lithogeochemistry of the Uppermost Middle Jurassic– Lowermost Lower Cretaceous Strata in the Lower Reaches of the Anabar River (East Siberia, Arctic)

    Popov, A. Y., Vakulenko, L. G. & Nikitenko, B. L., Sept 2022, In: Russian Geology and Geophysics. 63, 9, p. 1020-1035 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Petroglyphs of Zanskar, India: Findings of the 2016 Season

    Polosmak, N. V., Shah, M. A. & Kundo, L. P., 2018, In: Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia. 46, 2, p. 60-67 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Petrogenesis of Zr–Nb (REE) carbonatites from the Arbarastakh complex (Aldan Shield, Russia): Mineralogy and inclusion data

    Prokopyev, I. R., Doroshkevich, A. G., Zhumadilova, D. V., Starikova, A. E., Nugumanova, Y. N. & Vladykin, N. V., Apr 2021, In: Ore Geology Reviews. 131, 104042.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Petrogenesis of ultramafic lamprophyres from the terina complex (Chadobets upland, Russia): Mineralogy and melt inclusion composition

    Prokopyev, I., Starikova, A., Doroshkevich, A., Nugumanova, Y. & Potapov, V., 8 May 2020, In: Minerals. 10, 5, 24 p., 419.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Petrogenesis of the despen volcanic rocks of the middle–late ordovician volcanoplutonic association of the tannu-ola terrane (Southwestern Tuva)

    Vetrov, E. V., Uvarov, A. N., Vetrova, N. I., Letnikov, F. A., Vishnevskaya, I. A., Zhimulev, F. I., Andreeva, E. S. & Chervyakovskaya, M. V., Jun 2021, In: Russian Geology and Geophysics. 62, 6, p. 633-647 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Petrogenesis of Permian-Triassic intraplate gabbro-granitic rocks in the Russian Altai

    Gavryushkina, О., Kruk, N. N., Semenov, I. V., Vladimirov, A. G., Kuibida, Y. V. & Serov, P. A., 1 Feb 2019, In: Lithos. 326-327, p. 71-89 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Petrogenesis of Late Permian silicic rocks of Tu Le basin and Phan Si Pan uplift (NW Vietnam) and their association with the Emeishan large igneous province

    Tran, T. H., Lan, C. Y., Usuki, T., Shellnutt, J. G., Pham, T. D., Tran, T. A., Pham, N. C., Ngo, T. P., Izokh, A. E. & Borisenko, A. S., 1 Sept 2015, In: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 109, p. 1-19 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Petrogenesis of juvenile pelletal lapilli in ultramafic lamprophyres

    Prokopyev, I., Doroshkevich, A., Starikova, A., Kovalev, S., Nugumanova, Y. & Izokh, A., 10 Apr 2023, In: Scientific Reports. 13, 1, 11 p., 5841.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Petrogenesis of dike rocks in the western part of the verkhoyansk-kolyma fold area, Northeast Russia

    Iakovleva, K. Y., Fridovsky, V. Y. & Vernikovskaya, A. E., 2020, In: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. 2020-August, 1.1, p. 221-227 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review