1. 2012

    Пахаруков, И. Ю., Пармон, В. Н., Матросова, М. М. & Бекк, И. Э., 27 Jan 2012, IPC No. C01B3/36, C01B3/38, Роспатент - Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности, Patent No. 2440926, Priority date 20 Oct 2010, Priority No. 2010143181

    Research output: PatentPatent for invention


    Снытников, П. В., Кириллов, В. А., Собянин, В. А. & Пармон, В. Н., 20 Jan 2012, IPC No. F02M27/02, F02N19/10, Роспатент - Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности, Patent No. 2440507, Priority date 26 May 2010, Priority No. 2010121389

    Research output: PatentPatent for invention

  4. Approximation and tidying—a problem kernel for s-Plex cluster vertex deletion

    van Bevern, R., Moser, H. & Niedermeier, R., 1 Jan 2012, In: Algorithmica. 62, 3-4, p. 930-950 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Assessment of probabilistic forecasts: Proper scoring rules and moments

    Tsyplakov, A., 1 Jan 2012, In: Applied Econometrics. 27, 3, p. 115-132 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Electron-beam initiation of plasma-chemical reactions in a supersonic jet of methane clusters

    Zarvin, A. E., Korobeishchikov, N. G., Khodakov, M. D. & Kalyada, V. V., 2012, Nonequilibrium Processes in Plasma, Combustion and Atmospere : 2012 – 482 p. Tabl. 18, ill. 195. Starik, A. M. & Frolov, S. M. (eds.). Moscow: TORUS PRESS, p. 88-94 7 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in an anthologypeer-review

  7. Experimental and Numerical Study of Supersonic Jets of N2, H2, and N2 + H2 Mixtures: 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. July 09-13, 2012. Zaragoza, Spain. http://rgd28.es/Book_of_Abstracts.pdf

    Сковородко, П. А., Ramos A., Tejeda G., Fernandez J.M. & Montero S., 2012, p. 77-78 . 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  8. Formation of an ion-cluster beam for material processing

    Korobeishchikov, N. G., Zarvin, A. E., Kalyada, V. V. & Khodakov, M. D., 2012, In: Journal of International Scientific Publications. 6, 2, p. 115-123 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Formation of DNA molecules ordered systems on silicon surfaces

    Matkhonova, E. Y., Utkin, D. E., Kozhukhov, A. S., Sheglov, D. V., Nasimov, D. A. & Latyshev, A. V., 2012, 2012 13th Annual International Conference and Seminar of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices, EDM'2012 - Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 13-15 3 p. 6310204. (International Workshop and Tutorials on Electron Devices and Materials, EDM - Proceedings).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  10. Gas Dynamic Aspects of Silicon Thin Layers Deposition Using Excitation of Free Jet of Working Gas Mixture by Electron Beam: 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. July 09-13, 2012. Zaragoza, Spain. rgd28.es/Book_of_Abstracts.pdf.

    Сковородко, П. А., Шарафутдинов, Р. Г., Щукин, В. Г. & Константинов, В. О., 2012, p. 193. 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review