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  1. Gold(I) cysteinate complexes in aqueous solutions

    Mironov, I. V. & Kharlamova, V. Y., 1 Jul 2017, In: Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 62, 7, p. 1014-1020 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Gold(III) Chlorohydroxo Complexes in Aqueous Solutions at Increased Temperatures

    Mironov, I. V. & Kharlamova, V. Y., Mar 2020, In: Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 65, 3, p. 420-425 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Gold(III) phthalocyanine chloride: Optical and structural characterization of thin films

    Basova, T. V., Parkhomenko, R. G., Krasnov, P. O., Igumenov, I. K., Kadem, B. & Hassan, A. K., 27 Jul 2015, In: Dyes and Pigments. 122, p. 280-285 6 p., 4780.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Gold-Induced Crystallization of Thin Films of Amorphous Silicon Suboxide

    Lunev, N. A., Zamchiy, A. O., Baranov, E. A., Merkulova, I. E., Konstantinov, V. O., Korolkov, I. V., Maximovskiy, E. A. & Volodin, V. A., Oct 2021, In: Technical Physics Letters. 47, 10, p. 726-729 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Gold nanoparticles deposited on the surface of low-dimensional niobium trisulfide and vanadium tetrasulfide

    Kozlova, M. N., Poltarak, P. A., Artemkina, S. B., Das, M. R., Sengupta, P. & Fedorov, V. E., 1 Jan 2017, In: Materials Today: Proceedings. 4, 11, p. 11411-11417 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Gold nanoparticles permit in situ absorbed dose evaluation in boron neutron capture therapy for malignant tumors

    Zaboronok, A., Taskaev, S., Volkova, O., Mechetina, L., Kasatova, A., Sycheva, T., Nakai, K., Kasatov, D., Makarov, A., Kolesnikov, I., Shchudlo, I., Bykov, T., Sokolova, E., Koshkarev, A., Kanygin, V., Kichigin, A., Mathis, B. J., Ishikawa, E. & Matsumura, A., 16 Sept 2021, In: Pharmaceutics. 13, 9, 1490.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Gold–Rare-Metal Mineralization of the Mokrundya Placer Deposit in Arctic Siberia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

    Airiyants, E. V., Belyanin, D. K., Zhmodik, S. M., Ivanov, P. O. & Kiseleva, O. N., 2023, In: Russian Geology and Geophysics. 64, 2, p. 158-174 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Gold-sulfide (Au-As) Deposits of the Yenisei Ridge (Russia): Age, Sources of Metals and Nature of Fluids

    Naumov, E. A., Borisenko, A. S., Nevolko, P. A., Kovalev, K. R., Tessalina, S., Sazonov, A. M., Savichev, A. A. & Zvyagina, E. A., 2015, MINERAL RESOURCES IN A SUSTAINABLE WORLD, VOLS 1-5. Andre-Mayer, AS., Cathelineau, M., Muchez, P., Pirard, E. & Sindern, S. (eds.). Association Scientifique pour la Geologie et ses Applications, p. 165-168 4 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  9. Gorgias’ revising of ancient epistemology: On non-being by Gorgias and its paraphrases

    Volf, M., 2021, In: Revista Archai. 31, e03127.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. GO System, a DNA Repair Pathway to Cope with Oxidative Damage

    Endutkin, A. V. & Zharkov, D. O., Mar 2021, In: Molecular Biology. 55, 2, p. 193-210 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review