1. 2019
  2. Second harmonic electromagnetic emission in a beam-driven plasma antenna

    Annenkov, V. V., Berendeev, E. A., Volchok, E. P. & Timofeev, I. V., 26 Mar 2019, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 61, 5, 8 p., 055005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Measurement of B+, B0 and Λb0 production in pPb collisions at sNN =8.16 TeV

    The LHCb Collaboration, Эйдельман, С. И., Кроковный, П. П. & Воробьев, В. С., 27 Mar 2019, In: Physical Review D. 99, 5, 21 p., 052011.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to a pair of bottom quarks in proton–proton collisions at √s=13Te

    The CMS collaboration, Блинов, В. Е. & Сковпень, Ю. И., 27 Mar 2019, In: European Physical Journal C. 79, 3, p. 280 29 p., 280.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Nonclassical Adsorption of Methanol on Palladium: The Competition between Adsorption of Single Molecules and Clusters

    Kaichev, V. V., Selivanova, A. V., Tsapina, A. M., Saraev, A. A. & Bukhtiyarov, V. I., 28 Mar 2019, In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123, 12, p. 7259-7265 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Precision resonance energy scans with the PANDA experiment at FAIR: Sensitivity study for width and line shape measurements of the X(3872)

    The PANDA Collaboration & Тихонов, Ю. А., 28 Mar 2019, In: European Physical Journal A. 55, 3, 18 p., 42.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Quantitative quantum mechanical approach to SABRE hyperpolarization at high magnetic fields

    Knecht, S. & Ivanov, K. L., 28 Mar 2019, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 150, 12, 11 p., 124106.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. The gap size effect on leakage flow and cavitation in the clearance of a 2D hydrofoil: High-speed visualization and velocity measurements

    Pervunin, K. S., Timoshevskiy, M. V., Zapryagaev, I. I., Markovich, D. M., Semenov, G. A. & Zakharov, A. V., 28 Mar 2019, In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 240, 6, 7 p., 062040.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  9. Combination of Searches for Higgs Boson Pair Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at s =13 TeV

    The CMS collaboration, Блинов, В. Е. & Сковпень, Ю. И., 29 Mar 2019, In: Physical Review Letters. 122, 12, 18 p., 121803.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Measurement of the top quark mass in the tt¯ → lepton+jets channel from √s=8 TeV ATLAS data and combination with previous results

    The ATLAS collaboration, Бобровников, В. С., Бузыкаев, А. Р. & Пелеганчук, С. В., 29 Mar 2019, In: European Physical Journal C. 79, 4, 51 p., 290.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Quantum phase slips and number-phase duality in disordered TiN nanostrips

    Schneider, I., Kronfeldner, K., Baturina, T. I. & Strunk, C., 29 Mar 2019, In: Physical Review B. 99, 9, 10 p., 094522.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review