1. Barremian–Aptian Assemblages of Microfauna and Palynomorphs from the North-West of the Yamal Peninsula (Biostratigraphy and Palaeofacies)

    Pestchevitskaya, E. B. & Nikitenko, B. L., 1 Dec 2019, In: Paleontological Journal. 53, 8, p. 812-816 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Biogeochemistry and microfossils of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, Anabar Bay, Laptev Sea

    Kashirtsev, V. A., Nikitenko, B. L., Peshchevitskaya, E. B. & Fursenko, E. A., 1 Apr 2018, In: Russian Geology and Geophysics. 59, 4, p. 386-404 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Biostratigraphy and sedimentary settings of the Bajocian-Bathonian beds of the Izhma River basin (European North of Russia)

    Mitta, V., Glinskikh, L., Kostyleva, V., Dzyuba, O., Shurygin, B. & NiKitenKo, B., 1 Sept 2015, In: Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen. 277, 3, p. 307-335 29 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Callovian and Upper Jurassic foraminiferal and ammonite biostratigraphy of the Shaim petroleum region (West Siberia)

    Levchuk, L. K., Nikitenko, B. L. & Meledina, S. V., 1 Jun 2015, In: Russian Geology and Geophysics. 56, 6, p. 932-946 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Dinoflagellate cysts and Foraminifera of the Upper Jurassic Lopsiya River sections, Nether-Polar Urals, NW Western Siberia (Russia)

    Lebedeva, N. K., Nikitenko, B. L. & Colpaert, C., 1 Sept 2019, In: Revue de Micropaleontologie. 64, p. 1-18 18 p., 100361.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Enhanced Arctic-Tethys connectivity ended the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in NW Europe

    Van De Schootbrugge, B., Houben, A. J. P., Ercan, F. E. Z., Verreussel, R., Kerstholt, S., Janssen, N. M. M., Nikitenko, B. & Suan, G., 1 Oct 2020, In: Geological Magazine. 157, 10, p. 1593-1611 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Erratum to: Recent Data of Multidisciplinary Studies of the Major Pleistocene Climatic Events: Glaciations, Formation of Ice-Dammed Lakes, and Their Catastrophic Drainage in Altai (Mountains of Southern Siberia) (Doklady Earth Sciences, (2023), 510, 2, (459-464), 10.1134/S1028334X23600305)

    Agatova, A. R., Nepop, R. K., Moska, P., Nikitenko, B. L., Bronnikova, M. A., Zhdanova, A. N., Zazovskaya, E. P., Karpukhina, N. V., Kuzmina, O. B., Nepop, A. R., Ovchinnikov, I. Y., Petrozhitskiy, A. V. & Uspenskaya, O. N., 2024, In: Doklady Earth Sciences. 514, 1, p. 186

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

  8. Facies-stratigraphic zonation of the Callovian-Kimmeridgian deposits of the West Siberian Sedimentary basin

    Ryzhkova, S. V., Vakulenko, L. G., Kazanenkov, V., Kontorovich, A. E., Kontorovich, V. A., Nikitenko, B. L., Shurygin, B. N., Borisov, E. V., Kalinina, L. M., Nekhaev, A. Y., Ponomareva, E. V., Fomin, M. A. & Yan, P. A., 1 Mar 2020, In: Russian Geology and Geophysics. 61, 3, p. 330-340 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Features in the sedimentation and organic geochemistry of the lower Toarcian clays in Northern Eastern Siberia

    Fursenko, E. A., Nikitenko, B. L. & Knyazev, V. G., 2016, 7th EAGE Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition: Understanding the Harmony of the Earth's Resources Through Integration of Geosciences. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, p. 364-368 5 p. (7th EAGE Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition: Understanding the Harmony of the Earth's Resources Through Integration of Geosciences).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  10. Geochemistry of the organic matter from lower cretaceous and upper jurassic deposits in the olenek river section (Eastern Siberia)

    Fursenko, E. A., Kashirtsev, V. A. & Nikitenko, B. L., Sept 2019, 29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, IMOG 2019. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, (29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, IMOG 2019).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

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