1. 2025
  2. Use of the Nanogate‑38 Camera for Beam Diagnostics at the VEPP‑2000 Collider

    Timoshenko, M. V., Boyarkina, V. E., Dorokhov, V. L., Krutik, M. I., Meshkov, O. I. & Terent’ev, I. A., 3 Feb 2025, In: Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 67, 5, p. 858-864 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. 2024
  4. “Electronic Structure of Atoms” Information System for Atomic Spectroscopy

    Kazakov, V. V., Kazakov, V. G., Meshkov, O. I. & Yatsenko, A. S., May 2024, In: Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 98, 5, p. 828-836 9 p., 3.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. A project for a Compton photon source at the SKIF synchrotron facility

    Каминский, В. В. & Мешков, О. И., 2024, Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC. Cao, J., Yue, J., Bian, L., Andrian, I., Schaa, V. RW. & Chen, Z. (eds.). Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 195-198 4 p. (Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  6. Measurement of the longitudinal beam size at the Novosibirsk FEL

    Борин, В. М., Винокуров, Н. А., Maishanu, I. H., Мешков, О. И., Шевченко, О. А., Рева, С. В. & Кубарев, В. В., 2024, Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC. Cao, J., Yue, J., Bian, L., Andrian, I., Schaa, V. RW. & Chen, Z. (eds.). Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 591-594 4 p. (Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  7. Results of Operation of the Test Accelerator Facility for the SKIF Linear Accelerator

    Arsentyeva, M. V., Levichev, A. E., Batrakov, A. M., Volkov, V. N., Ma, X. C., Meshkov, O. I., Nikiforov, D. A., Pavlenko, A. V., Barnyakov, A. M., Kondakov, A. A., Kotov, E. S., Pavlov, O. A., Chekmenev, D. I., Samoylov, S. L., Semenov, A. M. & Schegolkov, N. S., 2024, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 21, 3, p. 271-277 7 p., 11.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. The injector with thermionic gridded cathode radiofrequency gun for the SKIF synchrotron

    Volkov, V. N., Arsentieva, M. V., Barnyakov, A. M., Батраков, А. М., Бехтенев, Е. А., Vasileva, N. G., Gurov, S. M., Karnaev, S. E., Kondakov, A. A., Kosarev, A. N., Krutikhin, S. A., Kurkin, G. Y., Левичев, А. Е., Martynovsky, A. Y., Мешков, О. И., Motygin, S. V., Никифоров, Д. А., Ovchar, V. K., Павленко, А. В., Pavlov, O. A., & 6 othersRodyakin, M. V., Rotov, E. A., Sedlyarov, I. K., Semenov, A. M., Ма, С. & Федотов, М. Г., 2024, In: Technical Physics. 94, 6, p. 851-861 11 p., 10.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. The project of Kirkpatrick – Baez focusing system for beam diagnostics on the SKIF

    Meshkov, O. I., Dorokhov, V. L., Reshetov, D. F., Glushkov, E. & Malushev, I., 2024, Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC. Cao, J., Yue, J., Bian, L., Andrian, I., Schaa, V. RW. & Chen, Z. (eds.). Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 262-265 4 p. (Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  10. The project of optical diagnostics of the beam dimensions of the SKIF storage ring with ultra-low emittance

    Dorokhov, V. L., Meshkov, O. I. & Boyarkina, V. E., 2024, Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC. Cao, J., Yue, J., Bian, L., Andrian, I., Schaa, V. RW. & Chen, Z. (eds.). Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 305-309 5 p. (Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  11. The status of beam loss diagnostics system for the SKIF synchrotron light source

    Meshkov, O. I., Fomin, L. B., Khilchenko, A. D., Maltseva, Y. I., Ma, X., Puryga, E. A. & Zubarev, P. V., 2024, Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC. Cao, J., Yue, J., Bian, L., Andrian, I., Schaa, V. RW. & Chen, Z. (eds.). Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 520-523 4 p. (Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  12. The study of beam dynamics at the VEPP-2000 collider using a gated camera

    Timoshenko, M. V., Boyarkina, V. E., Dorokhov, V. L., Meshkov, O. I. & Sherstyuk, S. P., 2024, Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC. Cao, J., Yue, J., Bian, L., Andrian, I., Schaa, V. RW. & Chen, Z. (eds.). Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 279-283 5 p. (Proceedings of the International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  13. 2023
  14. Developing an Interferometric Method for Measuring the Transverse Dimensions of a Particle Beam in Cyclic Accelerators

    Dorokhov, V. L., Meshkov, O. I., Styrin, A. I. & Smygachev, A. S., Oct 2023, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 20, 5, p. 1046-1054 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  15. Experiments on the Short X-Ray Pulse Generation at the NovoFEL Facility

    Getmanov, Y. V., Borin, V. M., Vinokurov, N. A., Ma, X., Maltseva, Y. I., Meshkov, O. I. & Shevchenko, O. A., Aug 2023, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 20, 4, p. 772-775 4 p., 5.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  16. Results of manufacturing and operation of the first accelerating structures for the linear accelerator of the SKIF injector based on a disk-loaded waveguide

    Levichev, A., Grishina, K., Samoilov, S., Arsentieva, M., Chekmenev, D., Xiaochao, M., Meshkov, O., Pivovarov, I., Nikiforov, D. & Barnyakov, A., 1 Jul 2023, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 18, 7, T07001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  17. Measurement of the branching fraction of J/ψ → ρπ at KEDR

    KEDR Collaboration, Barnyakov, A. Y., Barnyakov, M. Y., Tayurky, V. A., Tikhonov, Y. A., Todyshev, C. Y., Zhuravlev, A. N., Шварц, Б. А. & Григорьев, Д. Н., Jul 2023, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 6, 19 p., 196.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  18. Study of the Influence of Longitudinal Impedance on the Duration of an Electron Bunch in a VEPP-4M Collider

    Borin, V. M., Dorokhov, V. L. & Meshkov, O. I., Apr 2023, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 20, 2, p. 164-171 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  19. Experiments with the KEDR Detector at the Collider VEPP-4M in the Energy Range = 1.84–3.88 GeV

    KEDR Collaboration, Анчугов, О. В., Барняков, А. Ю., Барняков, М. Ю., Бару, С. Е., Glukhov, S. A., Григорьев, Д. Н., Дорохов, В. Л., Жуков, А. А., Журавлев, А. Н., Karnaev, S. E., Катцин, А. А., Kashtankin, D. P., Куликов, В. Ф., Mishnev, S. I., Морозов, И. И., Мучной, Н. Ю., Okunev, I. N., Piminov, P. A., Simonov, E. A., & 9 othersSinyatkin, S. V., Таюрский, В. А., Тихонов, Ю. А., Тодышев, К. Ю., Tribendis, A. G., Tumaikin, G. M., Усов, Ю. В., Жуков, А. А. & Журавлев, А. Н., Feb 2023, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei. 54, 1, p. 185-226 42 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  20. 2022
  21. Measurement of J/ ψ decays into final states 2(π+π-0,K+K-π+π-π0,2(π+π-) and K+K-π+π-

    KEDR Collaboration, Oct 2022, In: European Physical Journal C. 82, 10, 938.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  22. P43 for manufacturing of large area scintillating screens

    Balakin, V., Meshkov, O., Ulianitsky, V., Rogovsky, Y., Семенов, А. М., Ageeva, N., Ivanova, S., Skaballanovich, T., Smirnov, A. & Medvedeva, K., 1 Aug 2022, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 17, 8, P08020.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  23. A New Station for Measuring Undulator and Laser Radiation Parameters of the 3rd Laser of the Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser

    Borin, V. M., Vinokurov, N. A., Gerasimov, V. V., Getmanov, Y. V., Dorokhov, V. L., Meshkov, O. I. & Shevchenko, O. A., Aug 2022, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 19, 4, p. 376-383 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  24. Measurement of the tensor analyzing power component T20 for the incoherent neutral-pion photoproduction on a deuteron

    Vasilishin, B. I., Fix, A. I., Gauzshtein, V. V., Darwish, E. M., Kuzin, M. Y., Levchuk, M. I., Loginov, A. Y., Nikolenko, D. M., Rachek, I. A., Shestakov, Y. V., Toporkov, D. K., Yurchenko, A. V., Zevakov, S. A., Bogomyagkov, A. V., Zhuravlev, A. N., Karnaev, S. E., Kiselev, V. A., Levichev, E. B., Meshkov, O. I., Mishnev, S. I., & 5 othersOkunev, I. N., Piminov, P. A., Simonov, E. A., Sinyatkin, S. V. & Starostina, E. V., Aug 2022, In: Physical Review C. 106, 2, 024003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  25. The Thermal Outgassing Rate of Materials Used in High-Vacuum Systems

    Burdakov, A. V., Varand, A. V., Krasnov, A. A., Meshkov, O. I., Mikhailenko, M. A., Semenov, A. M., Tolochko, B. P. & Shoshin, A. A., Jun 2022, In: Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 65, 3, p. 519-523 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  26. Beam loss monitoring system for the SKIF synchrotron light source

    Мальцева, Ю. И., Ivanenko, S. V., Khilchenko, A. D., Ma, X., Мешков, О. И., Morsina, A. A. & Puryga, E. A., 1 May 2022, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 17, 5, T05004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  27. Beam diagnostics for linear accelerator of SKIF synchrotron light source

    Xiaochao, M., Maltseva, Y. I., Meshkov, O. I., Arsentyeva, M. V., Bekhtenev, E. V., Cheskidov, V. G., Borin, V. M., Karpov, G. N., Nikiforov, D. A., Pavlov, O. A. & Volkov, V. N., 1 Apr 2022, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 17, 4, T04001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  28. Development of 200 MeV linac for the SKIF light source injector

    Andrianov, A., Arsentyeva, M., Barnyakov, A., Chekmenev, D., Levichev, A., Meshkov, O., Nikiforov, D., Pavlov, O., Pivovarov, I., Samoylov, S. & Volkov, V., Feb 2022, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 17, 2, T02009.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  29. 2021
  30. A Project for a Compton Photon Source with an Energy up to 2500 MeV at the SKIF Synchrotron Radiation Facility

    Kaminskiy, V. V., Meshkov, O. I. & Muchnoi, N. Y., Dec 2021, In: Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 84, 9, p. 1625-1631 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  31. Charm at KEDR

    KEDR Collaboration & Бару, С. Е., 10 Nov 2021, In: Proceedings of Science. 385, 008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  32. Investigation of high current electron beam dynamics in linear induction accelerator for creation of a high-power THz radiation source

    Nikiforov, D. A., Petrenko, A. V., Sinitsky, S. L., Bak, P. A., Skovorodin, D. I., Logachev, P. V., Zhivankov, K. I., Sandalov, E. S., Meshkov, O. I., Ivanov, A. V., Fuodorov, V. V., Starostenko, A. A., Pavlov, O. A., Kuznetsov, G. I., Krylov, A. A., Starostenko, D. A., Nikitin, O. A. & Akhmetov, A. R., Nov 2021, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 16, 11, P11024.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  33. Beam loss monitoring system for the SKIF synchrotron light source

    Maltseva, Y. I., Ivanenko, S. V., Khilchenko, A., Ma, X. C., Meshkov, O. I., Morsina, A. & Puryga, E. A., 4 May 2021, 27th Russian Particle Accelerator Conference, RuPAC 2021. Kuzin, M. & Schaa, V. R. W. (eds.). CERN, Vol. 17. p. 426-429 4 p. (CERN-Proceedings; vol. 2021-September).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  34. Quantograms as a New Visualization Technique of Electronic Structure of Atomic Systems

    Meshkov, O. I., Kazakov, V. V., Kazakov, V. G., Potekhin, A. A., Temnikova, E. A. & Tikhonova, A. V., Mar 2021, In: Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing. 57, 2, p. 177-184 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  35. 2020
  36. Li2100deplMoO4 crystals grown by low-thermal-gradient Czochralski technique

    Grigorieva, V. D., Shlegel, V. N., Borovlev, Y. A., Bekker, T. B., Barabash, A. S., Konovalov, S. I., Umatov, V. I., Borovkov, V. I. & Meshkov, O. I., 15 Dec 2020, In: Journal of Crystal Growth. 552, 6 p., 125913.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  37. Addendum to: Measurement of Γee(J/ψ) with KEDR detector (JHEP, (2018), 5, 119, 10.1007/JHEP05(2018)119)

    KEDR Collaboration & Рубан, А. А., 17 Jul 2020, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020, 7, 4 p., 112.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

  38. Current Status and Planned Upgrades of the VEPP-5 Injection Complex

    Astrelina, K., Andrianov, A., Balakin, V., Barnyakov, A., Belikov, O., Berkaev, D., Blinov, M., Boymelshteyn, Y., Bolkhovityanov, D., Borin, V., Butakov, A., Vasilev, S., Emanov, F., Karpov, G., Kasaev, A., Kondakov, A., Koop, I., Kot, N., Kurkin, G., Lapik, R., & 16 othersLebedev, N., Levichev, A., Maltseva, Y., Martynovskiy, A., Martyshkin, P., Meshkov, O., Motygin, S., Murasev, A., Myslivets, V., Nikiforov, D., Pilan, A., Rogovsky, Y., Samoylov, S., Tribendis, A., Frolov, A. & Tsyganov, A., 1 Jul 2020, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 17, 4, p. 409-414 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  39. Probing Beam Collective Effects in the Damping Ring of the VEPP-5 Injection Complex

    Balakin, V., Astrelina, K., Petrenko, A., Berkaev, D., Emanov, F., Meshkov, O. & Borin, V., 1 Jul 2020, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 17, 4, p. 415-418 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  40. Status of Vepp-2000 BINP Electron–Positron Collider

    Timoshenko, M. V., Borin, V. M., Zharinov, Y. M., Zemlyansky, I. M., Kasaev, A. S., Karpov, G. V., Kirpotin, A. N., Koop, I. A., Lysenko, A. P., Meshkov, O. I., Perevedentsev, E. A., Prosvetov, V. P., Rogovsky, Y. A., Senchenko, A. I., Shatilov, D. N., Shatunov, P. Y., Shatunov, Y. M. & Schwartz, D. B., 1 Jul 2020, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 17, 4, p. 419-424 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  41. Measurement of the tensor analyzing power T20 for the reaction γd→ dπ

    Gauzshtein, V. V., Darwish, E. M., Kuzin, M. Y., Levchuk, M. I., Loginov, A. Y., Nikolenko, D. M., Rachek, I. A., Sadykov, R. S., Shestakov, Y. V., Toporkov, D. K., Vasilishin, B. I., Zevakov, S. A., Bogomyagkov, A. V., Zhuravlev, A. N., Karnaev, S. E., Kiselev, V. A., Levichev, E. B., Meshkov, O. I., Mishnev, S. I., Okunev, I. N., & 4 othersPiminov, P. A., Simonov, E. A., Sinyatkin, S. V. & Starostina, E. V., 1 Jun 2020, In: European Physical Journal A. 56, 6, 7 p., 169.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  42. Development and application of electron beam optical diagnostics for the multi-turn ERL of the Novosibirsk FEL facility

    Getmanov, Y., Borin, V., Dorokhov, V., Matveev, A., Meshkov, O., Mickailov, A., Reshetov, D., Shevchenko, O. & Vinokurov, N., Jun 2020, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 15, 6, 14 p., T06004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  43. Measurement of the VEPP-4M Collider Energy Spread in the Entire Energy Range

    Borin, V. M., Dorokhov, V. L., Meshkov, O. I. & Chao, M. X., 1 May 2020, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 17, 3, p. 332-342 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  44. Visualization and analysis tools of the spectra of the Information System «Electronic Structure of Atoms»

    Kazakov, V. V., Kazakov, V. G., Meshkov, O. I. & Tikhonova, A. A., 8 Mar 2020, In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2569, p. 48-54 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  45. Measurements of the tensor analyzing power T 2 0 of the reaction ? d ? d 0

    Gauzshtein, V. V., Levchuk, M. I., Loginov, A. Y., Nikolenko, D. M., Rachek, I. A., Sadykov, R. S., Shestakov, Y. V., Toporkov, D. K., Tryasuchev, V. A., Vasilishin, B. I., Zevakov, S. A., Bogomyagkov, A. V., Zhuravlev, A. N., Karnaev, S. E., Kiselev, V. A., Levichev, E. B., Meshkov, O. I., Mishnev, S. I., Okunev, I. N., Piminov, P. A., & 3 othersSimonov, E. A., Sinyatkin, S. V. & Starostina, E. V., 1 Mar 2020, In: International Journal of Modern Physics E. 29, 3, 8 p., 2050011.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  46. A Picosecond Image-Converter Dissector with a Crossed Sweep

    Andreev, S. V., Vorobiev, N. S., Dorokhov, V. L., Zarovsky, A. I., Komelkov, A. S., Kurkin, G. Y., Meshkov, O. I. & Smirnov, A. V., Jan 2020, In: Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 63, 1, p. 87-91 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  47. Experiments with Synchrotron Radiation at the VEPP-4M

    Baranov, G., Borin, V., Zhuravlev, A., Zolotarev, K., Karnaev, S., Kuper, K., Levichev, E., Meshkov, O., Mishnev, S., Nikolaev, I., Nikolenko, A. & Piminov, P., Jan 2020, In: Journal of Surface Investigation. 14, 1, p. 150-154 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  48. 2019
  49. A study of longitudinal beam dynamics in the injection complex at BINP

    Astrelina, K. V., Balakin, V. V., Berkaev, D. E., Borin, V. M., Dorokhov, V. L., Emanov, F. A., Glukhov, S. A., Gornostaev, P. B., Kurkin, G. Y., Ma, X. C., Meshkov, O. I., Shashkov, E. V. & Vorobiev, N. V., 21 Oct 2019, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 14, 10, 18 p., P10027.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  50. Dynamics of Charge States of Relativistic Gold Ion Beams Passing through Cu and Au Foils in the NICA Project

    Borodich, V. V., Meshkov, O. I., Sinyatkin, S. V., Tolstikhina, I. Y., Tuzikov, A. V., Shevelko, V. P. & Winckler, N., 1 Sept 2019, In: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 129, 3, p. 349-356 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  51. Search for low-mass resonances decaying into two jets and produced in association with a photon using pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

    The ATLAS collaboration, Бобровников, В. С., Бузыкаев, А. Р., Харламов, А. Г., Пелеганчук, С. В. & Bogdanchikov, A. G., 10 Aug 2019, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 795, p. 56-75 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  52. Combinations of single-top-quark production cross-section measurements and |f LV Vtb| determinations at √s = 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS experiments

    The ATLAS collaboration, The CMS collaboration & Бобровников, В. С., 1 May 2019, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 5, 81 p., 88.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  53. Measurement of VH, H → b b ¯ production as a function of the vector-boson transverse momentum in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

    The ATLAS collaboration, Балдин, Е. М., Бузыкаев, А. Р., Харламов, А. Г., Масленников, А. Л., Пелеганчук, С. В., Талышев, А. А., Тихонов, Ю. А. & Bogdanchikov, A. G., 1 May 2019, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 5, 36 p., 141.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  54. A Picosecond Electron-Optical Dissector for Detecting Synchrotron Radiation

    Andreev, S. V., Anchugov, O. V., Vorob’ev, N. S., Dorokhov, V. L., Zarovskii, A. I., Komel’kov, A. S., Krutikhin, S. A., Kurkin, G. Y., Malyutin, D. A., Matveenko, A. V., Meshkov, O. I., Smirnov, A. V. & Shashkov, E. V., 1 Apr 2019, In: Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 62, 2, p. 208-213 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  55. Designing a Technological Station for Synchrotron Radiation on the VEPP-4M

    Goldenberg, B. G., Rakshun, Y. V., Bugaev, S. V., Meshkov, O. I. & Tsybulya, S. V., 1 Feb 2019, In: Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 83, 2, p. 129-133 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  56. Precise measurement of Ruds and R between 1.84 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector

    KEDR Collaboration, Сухарев, А. М., Масленников, А. Л., Кудрявцев, В. Н., Максимов, Д. А., Масленников, А. Л., Николаев, И. Б., Онучин, А. П., Осипов, А. А., Пелеганчук, С. В., Резанова, О. Л., Рубан, А. А., Шварц, Б. А., Талышев, А. А., Тихонов, Ю. А. & Zhuravlev, A. N., 10 Jan 2019, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 788, p. 42-51 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  57. Picosecond dissector with crossed sweep and optimization of picosecond dissector parameters

    Andreev, S., Dorokhov, V., Getmanov, Y., Komelkov, A., Malutin, D., Matveenko, A., Meshkov, O., Ries, M., Smirnov, A., Vorobiev, N., Zarovsky, A. & Kurkin, G., 1 Jan 2019, 32nd International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics. Stride, E. & Versluis, M. (eds.). The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 11051. 6 p. 110510M. (Proceedings of SPIE; vol. 11051).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  58. 2018
  59. Digital storing and representation of spectral data of negative ions

    Kazakov, V. V., Kazakov, V. G., Zhumadilov, K. B., Meshkov, O. I. & Yatsenko, A. S., 28 Dec 2018, SIXTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEGATIVE IONS, BEAMS AND SOURCES (NIBS 2018). Belchenko, Y. & Sanin, A. (eds.). American Institute of Physics Inc., Vol. 2052. 5 p. 020010. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2052).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  60. Optical Diagnostics for Plasma Physics and Accelerator Science: Commonality and Differences

    Meshkov, O., 1 Dec 2018, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 15, 7, p. 937-942 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  61. Longitudinal beam measuruments on damping ring BINP'S injection complex with new resonator

    Balakin, V. V., Emanov, F. A., Berkaev, D. E., Meshkov, O. I. & Borin, V. M., 1 Oct 2018, RuPAC 2018 - 26th Russian Particle Accelerator Conference. INSPIRE, p. 453-455 3 p. (RuPAC 2018 - 26th Russian Particle Accelerator Conference).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  62. Measurement of Γee×Bμμ for ψ(2S) meson

    KEDR Collaboration, 10 Jun 2018, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 781, p. 174-181 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  63. Measurement of Γee(J/ψ) with KEDR detector

    KEDR Collaboration, 1 May 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018, 5, 119.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  64. Novosibirsk ERL facility

    Vinokurov, N. A., Borin, V. M., Davidyuk, I. V., Dorokhov, V. I., Deichuly, O. I., Dementyev, E. N., Dovzhenko, B. A., Getmanov, Y. V., Gorbachev, Y. I., Knyazev, B. A., Kolobanov, E. I., Kondakov, A. A., Kozak, V. R., Kozyrev, E. V., Krutikhin, S. A., Kubarev, V. V., Kulipanov, G. N., Kuper, E. A., Kuptsov, I. V., Kurkin, G. Y., & 21 othersMurasev, A. A., Medvedev, L. E., Meshkov, O. I., Motygin, S. V., Ovchar, V. K., Osipov, V. N., Petrov, V. M., Pilan, A. M., Popik, V. M., Repkov, V. V., Salikova, T. V., Scheglov, M. A., Sedlyarov, I. K., Serednyakov, S. S., Shevchenko, O. A., Skrinsky, A. N., Tararyshkin, S. V., Tribendis, A. G., Tcheskidov, V. G., Vobly, P. D. & Volkov, V. N., 1 Apr 2018, Proceedings of ERL 2017, the 59th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 33-39 7 p. (Proceedings of ERL 2017, the 59th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  65. Вопросы систематизации, хранения и отображения информации о спектрах атомных систем

    Казаков, В. В., Казаков, В. Г., Мешков, О. И. & Жумадилов, К. Б., 2018, Новосибирск: ИПЦ НГУ. 120 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportTeaching manualpeer-review

  66. 2017
  67. Instruments of scientific visual representation in atomic databases

    Kazakov, V. V., Kazakov, V. G. & Meshkov, O. I., 1 Oct 2017, In: Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya). 123, 4, p. 552-558 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  68. Electronic structure of atoms: Atomic spectroscopy information system

    Kazakov, V. V., Kazakov, V. G., Kovalev, V. S., Meshkov, O. I. & Yatsenko, A. S., 8 Sept 2017, In: Physica Scripta. 92, 10, 6 p., 105002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  69. Measurement of R between 1.84 and 3.05 GeV at the KEDR detector

    Anashin, V. V., Aulchenko, V. M., Baldin, E. M., Barladyan, A. K., Barnyakov, A. Y., Barnyakov, M. Y., Baru, S. E., Basok, I. Y., Batrakov, A. M., Blinov, A. E., Blinov, V. E., Bobrov, A. V., Bobrovnikov, V. S., Bogomyagkov, A. V., Bondar, A. E., Buzykaev, A. R., Eidelman, S. I., Grigoriev, D. N., Glukhovchenko, Y. M., Karnaev, S. E., & 59 othersKarpov, G. V., Karpov, S. V., Kasyanenko, P. V., Kharlamova, T. A., Kiselev, V. A., Kolmogorov, V. V., Kononov, S. A., Kotov, K. Y., Kravchenko, E. A., Kudryavtsev, V. N., Kulikov, V. F., Kurkin, G. Y., Kuyanov, I. A., Kuper, E. A., Levichev, E. B., Maksimov, D. A., Malyshev, V. M., Maslennikov, A. L., Meshkov, O. I., Mishnev, S. I., Morozov, I. I., Muchnoi, N. Y., Neufeld, V. V., Nikitin, S. A., Nikolaev, I. B., Okunev, I. N., Onuchin, A. P., Oreshkin, S. B., Osipov, A. A., Ovtin, I. V., Peleganchuk, S. V., Pivovarov, S. G., Piminov, P. A., Petrov, V. V., Prisekin, V. G., Rezanova, O. L., Ruban, A. A., Sandyrev, V. K., Savinov, G. A., Shamov, A. G., Shatilov, D. N., Shwartz, B. A., Simonov, E. A., Sinyatkin, S. V., Skrinsky, A. N., Sokolov, A. V., Sukharev, A. M., Starostina, E. V., Talyshev, A. A., Tayursky, V. A., Telnov, V. I., Tikhonov, Y. A., Todyshev, K. Y., Tumaikin, G. M., Usov, Y. V., Vorobiov, A. I., Zhilich, V. N., Zhulanov, V. V. & Zhuravlev, A. N., 10 Jul 2017, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 770, p. 174-181 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  70. An experimental study of beam dynamics in the ERL-based Novosibirsk free electron laser

    Borin, V. M., Dorokhov, V. L., Meshkov, O. I., Shegolev, L. M., Shevchenko, O. A. & Vinokurov, N. A., Jul 2017, IPAC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 3781-3783 3 p. (IPAC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  71. The longitudinal broadband impedance and energy spread measurements at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider

    Borin, V. M., Dorokhov, V. L., Kiselev, V. A., Kurkin, G. Y., Meshkov, O. I., Nikitin, S. A., Piminov, P. A. & Sinyatkin, S. V., Jul 2017, IPAC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 3117-3119 3 p. (IPAC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  72. Electronic structure of atoms information system: Current status and development trends

    Kazakov, V. V., Kazakov, V. G., Kovalev, V. S., Meshkov, O. I. & Yatsenko, A. S., 1 Mar 2017, In: Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing. 53, 2, p. 136-144 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  73. 2016
  74. Development, calibration and application of new-generation dissector with picosecond temporal resolution

    Meshkov, O. I., Anchugov, O. V., Dorokhov, V. L., Kurkin, G. Y., Petrozhitsky, A. N., Shvedov, D. V., Zinin, E. I., Gornostaev, P. B., Schelev, M. Y., Shashkov, E. V., Smirnov, A. V. & Zarovskii, A. I., 1 Jan 2016, Proceedings of the 5th International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC 2016. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 205-208 4 p. (Proceedings of the 5th International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC 2016).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  75. Recent results from new station for optical observation of electron beam parameters at KCSR storage ring

    Meshkov, O., Borin, V., Dorokhov, V., Khilchenko, A., Kotelnikov, A., Kvashnin, A., Schegolev, L., Zhuravlev, A. N., Zinin, E. I., Zubarev, P. V., Korchuganov, V., Kovachev, G., Odintsov, D. G., Stirin, A., Tarasov, Y., Valentinov, A. & Zabelin, A., 1 Jan 2016, Proceedings of the 5th International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC 2016. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW), p. 508-511 4 p. (Proceedings of the 5th International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC 2016).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

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