1. Framework coordination polymer based on the [Re3Mo3S8(CN)6]6–heterometallic cluster anions and Cd2+ cations

    Gayfulin, Y. M., Piryazev, D. A., Mironov, Y. V. & Naumov, N. G., 1 Jun 2017, In: Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry/Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya. 43, 6, p. 364-367 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Host-Guest Binding Hierarchy within Redox- and Luminescence-Responsive Supramolecular Self-Assembly Based on Chalcogenide Clusters and γ-Cyclodextrin

    Ivanov, A. A., Falaise, C., Abramov, P. A., Shestopalov, M. A., Kirakci, K., Lang, K., Moussawi, M. A., Sokolov, M. N., Naumov, N. G., Floquet, S., Landy, D., Haouas, M., Brylev, K. A., Mironov, Y. V., Molard, Y., Cordier, S. & Cadot, E., 12 Sept 2018, In: Chemistry - A European Journal. 24, 51, p. 13467-13478 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Host–Guest Binding Hierarchy within Redox- and Luminescence-Responsive Supramolecular Self-Assembly Based on Chalcogenide Clusters and γ-Cyclodextrin

    Ivanov, A. A., Falaise, C., Abramov, P. A., Shestopalov, M. A., Kirakci, K., Lang, K., Moussawi, M. A., Sokolov, M. N., Naumov, N. G., Floquet, S., Landy, D., Haouas, M., Brylev, K. A., Mironov, Y. V., Molard, Y., Cordier, S. & Cadot, E., 12 Sept 2018, In: Chemistry - A European Journal. 24, 51, 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review

  4. Hydrogen bonded networks based on hexarhenium(III) chalcocyanide cluster complexes: structural and photophysical characterization

    Ledneva, A., Ferlay, S., Naumov, N. G., Mauro, M., Cordier, S., Kyritsakas, N. & Hosseini, M. W., 21 Jul 2018, In: New Journal of Chemistry. 42, 14, p. 11888-11895 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Implementation of Bond’s Scheme in a Single Crystal Diffractometer. Study of the Homogeneity of (Y1–xEux)2O3 Single Crystals

    Kudryavtsev, A. L., Serebrennikova, P. S., Naumov, N. G. & Gromilov, S. A., Oct 2024, In: Journal of Structural Chemistry. 65, 10, p. 1932-1941 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Ionic columnar clustomesogens: Associations between anionic hexanuclear rhenium clusters and liquid crystalline triphenylene tethered imidazoliums

    Camerel, F., Kinloch, F., Jeannin, O., Robin, M., Nayak, S. K., Jacques, E., Brylev, K. A., Naumov, N. G. & Molard, Y., 28 Aug 2018, In: Dalton Transactions. 47, 32, p. 10884-10896 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Low dimensional solids based on Mo6 cluster cyanides and Mn2+, Mn3+ or Cd2+ metal ions: Crystal chemistry, magnetic and optical properties

    Daigre, G., Lemoine, P., Pham, T. D., Demange, V., Gautier, R., Naumov, N. G., Ledneva, A., Amela-Cortes, M., Dumait, N., Audebrand, N. & Cordier, S., 28 Jun 2018, In: CrystEngComm. 20, 24, p. 3396-3408 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Low-temperature thermodynamic properties of holmium selenide (2: 3)

    Bespyatov, M. A., Musikhin, A. E., Naumov, V. N., Zelenina, L. N., Chusova, T. P., Nikolaev, R. E. & Naumov, N. G., 1 Mar 2018, In: Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 118, p. 21-25 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Metal Atom Clusters as Building Blocks for Multifunctional Proton-Conducting Materials: Theoretical and Experimental Characterization

    Daigre, G., Cuny, J., Lemoine, P., Amela-Cortes, M., Paofai, S., Audebrand, N., Le Gal La Salle, A., Quarez, E., Joubert, O., Naumov, N. G. & Cordier, S., 20 Aug 2018, In: Inorganic Chemistry. 57, 16, p. 9814-9825 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Mixed-metal clusters with a {Re3Mo3Se8} core: From a polymeric solid to soluble species with multiple redox transitions

    Muravieva, V. K., Gayfulin, Y. M., Ryzhikov, M. R., Novozhilov, I. N., Samsonenko, D. G., Piryazev, D. A., Yanshole, V. V. & Naumov, N. G., 14 Mar 2018, In: Dalton Transactions. 47, 10, p. 3366-3377 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

ID: 3454727