1. 2021
  2. Study of excited Ξ baryons with the P¯ ANDA detector

    The PANDA Collaboration, Apr 2021, In: European Physical Journal A. 57, 4, 149.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. The potential of Λ and Ξ- studies with PANDA at FAIR

    The PANDA Collaboration, Apr 2021, In: European Physical Journal A. 57, 4, 154.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Feasibility studies for the measurement of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors from p¯ p→ μ+μ- at P ¯ ANDA at FAIR

    The PANDA Collaboration, Блинов, А. Е. & Кравченко, Е. А., Jan 2021, In: European Physical Journal A. 57, 1, 30.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. 2020
  6. Tunka-Grande and TAIGA-Muon scintillation arrays: Status and prospects

    the TAIGA Collaboration & Вайдянатан, А., 17 Dec 2020, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1697, 1, 012026.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  7. First detection of gamma-ray sources at TeV energies with the first imaging air Cherenkov telescope of the TAIGA installation

    the TAIGA Collaboration & Вайдянатан, А., 16 Dec 2020, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1690, 1, 012023.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  8. Possibilities of the Tunka-Grande and TAIGA-Muon scintillation arrays with the TAIGA-HiSCORE Cherenkov array joint operation in the research of cosmic and gamma rays

    the TAIGA Collaboration, 16 Dec 2020, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1690, 1, 012014.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  9. Precision Measurement of the Ratio B (ϒ (3S) →τ+τ-) / B (ϒ (3S) →μ+μ-)

    <i>B<span class="sc">a</span>B<span class="sc">ar</span></i> Collaboration, 8 Dec 2020, In: Physical Review Letters. 125, 24, 7 p., 241801.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Experimental Complex TAIGA

    the TAIGA Collaboration, Dec 2020, In: Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 83, 9, p. 1375-1382 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Measurement of the e+e-→ K+K-π cross section with the SND detector: The SND Collaboration

    Achasov, M. N., Barnyakov, A. Y., Barnyakov, M. Y., Baykov, A. A., Beloborodov, K. I., Berdyugin, A. V., Berkaev, D. E., Bogdanchikov, A. G., Botov, A. A., Buzykaev, A. R., Dimova, T. V., Druzhinin, V. P., Golubev, V. B., Kardapoltsev, L. V., Kharlamov, A. G., Korol, A. A., Kovrizhin, D. P., Kravchenko, E. A., Kupich, A. S., Lysenko, A. P., & 21 othersMartin, K. A., Muchnoy, N. Y., Melnikova, N. A., Obrazovsky, A. E., Onuchin, A. P., Pakhtusova, E. V., Perevedentsev, E. A., Pugachev, K. V., Savchenko, Y. S., Serednyakov, S. I., Shatunov, P. Y., Shatunov, Y. M., Shtol, D. A., Shwartz, D. B., Silagadze, Z. K., Surin, I. K., Tikhonov, Y. A., Usov, Y. V., Zemlyansky, I. M., Zhabin, V. N. & Zhulanov, V. V., Dec 2020, In: European Physical Journal C. 80, 12, 10 p., 1139.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Status of the TAIGA Experiment: From Cosmic-Ray Physics to Gamma Astronomy in Tunka Valley

    the TAIGA Collaboration, Nov 2020, In: Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 83, 6, p. 905-915 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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