1. 2021
  2. Correlation of high-field and zero- To ultralow-field NMR properties using 2D spectroscopy

    Zhukov, I. V., Kiryutin, A. S., Yurkovskaya, A. V., Blanchard, J. W., Budker, D., Ivanov, K. L. & Yurkovskaya, A. V., 14 Apr 2021, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 154, 14, 144201.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Exchange interaction in short-lived flavine adenine dinucleotide biradical in aqueous solution revisited by CIDNP (chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization) and nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion

    Zhukov, I. V., Kiryutin, A. S., Panov, M. S., Fishman, N. N., Morozova, O. B., Lukzen, N. N., Ivanov, K. L., Vieth, H. M., Sagdeev, R. Z. & Yurkovskaya, A. V., 2021, In: Magnetic Resonance. 2, 1, p. 139-148 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. 2020
  5. Tailored flavoproteins acting as light-driven spin machines pump nuclear hyperpolarization

    Ding, Y., Kiryutin, A. S., Zhao, Z., Xu, Q. Z., Zhao, K. H., Kurle, P., Bannister, S., Kottke, T., Sagdeev, R. Z., Ivanov, K. L., Yurkovskaya, A. V. & Matysik, J., 1 Dec 2020, In: Scientific Reports. 10, 1, 13 p., 18658.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Spin dynamics in experiments on orthodeuterium induced polarization (ODIP)

    Kozinenko, V. P., Kiryutin, A. S., Knecht, S., Buntkowsky, G., Vieth, H. M., Yurkovskaya, A. V. & Ivanov, K. L., 21 Sept 2020, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 153, 11, 13 p., 114202.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Total Correlation Spectroscopy across All NMR-Active Nuclei by Mixing at Zero Field

    Zhukov, I. V., Kiryutin, A. S., Ferrage, F., Buntkowsky, G., Yurkovskaya, A. V. & Ivanov, K. L., 3 Sept 2020, In: The journal of physical chemistry letters. 11, 17, p. 7291-7296 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Algorithmic cooling of nuclear spins using long-lived singlet order

    Rodin, B. A., Bengs, C., Kiryutin, A. S., Sheberstov, K. F., Brown, L. J., Brown, R. C. D., Yurkovskaya, A. V., Ivanov, K. L. & Levitt, M. H., 30 Apr 2020, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 152, 16, 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Refining Universal Procedures for Ammonium Quantification via Rapid 1H NMR Analysis for Dinitrogen Reduction Studies

    Hodgetts, R. Y., Kiryutin, A. S., Nichols, P., Du, H. L., Bakker, J. M., MacFarlane, D. R. & Simonov, A. N., 13 Mar 2020, In: ACS Energy Letters. 5, 3, p. 736-741 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Author Correction: Generating and sustaining long-lived spin states in 15N,15N′-azobenzene (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (20161), 10.1038/s41598-019-56734-y)

    Sheberstov, K. F., Vieth, H. M., Zimmermann, H., Rodin, B. A., Ivanov, K. L., Kiryutin, A. S. & Yurkovskaya, A. V., 6 Mar 2020, In: Scientific Reports. 10, 1, 1 p., 4513.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

  11. Positive electronic exchange interaction and predominance of minor triplet channel in CIDNP formation in short lived charge separated states of D-X-A dyads

    Zhukov, I., Fishman, N., Kiryutin, A., Lukzen, N., Panov, M., Steiner, U., Vieth, H. M., Schäfer, J., Lambert, C. & Yurkovskaya, A., 7 Jan 2020, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 152, 1, 10 p., 014203.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Chapter 23: Singlet Order in Heteronuclear Spin Systems

    Kiryutin, A. S., Zhukov, I. V., Yurkovskaya, A. V., Budker, D. & Ivanov, K. L., 2020, In-cell NMR Spectroscopy: From Molecular Sciences to Cell Biology. Pileio, G. (ed.). 22 ed. Royal Society of Chemistry, p. 418-433 16 p. (New Developments in NMR; vol. 2020-January, no. 22).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review

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