1. Non-integer High-Harmonic Generation from a Topological Insulator Surface

    Meierhofer, M., Schmid, C. P., Weigl, L., Grössing, P., Junk, V., Gorini, C., Schlauderer, S., Ito, S., Hofmann, N., Afanasiev, D., Crewse, J., Kokh, K. A., Tereshchenko, O. E., Güdde, J., Evers, F., Wilhelm, J., Richter, K., Höfer, U. & Huber, R., 2022, International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2022. OSA Publishing, 2 p. W2A.2. (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  2. Nonlinear Hall Coefficient in Films of a Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator

    Stepina, N. P., Bazhenov, A. O., Shumilin, A. V., Zhdanov, E. Y., Ishchenko, D. V., Kirienko, V. V., Aksenov, M. S. & Tereshchenko, O. E., Aug 2024, In: JETP Letters. 120, 3, p. 199-204 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Non-monotonic variation of the Kramers point band gap with increasing magnetic doping in BiTeI

    Shikin, A. M., Rybkina, A. A., Estyunin, D. A., Klimovskikh, I. I., Rybkin, A. G., Filnov, S. O., Koroleva, A. V., Shevchenko, E. V., Likholetova, M. V., Voroshnin, V. Y., Petukhov, A. E., Kokh, K. A., Tereshchenko, O. E., Petaccia, L., Di Santo, G., Kumar, S., Kimura, A., Skirdkov, P. N., Zvezdin, K. A. & Zvezdin, A. K., Dec 2021, In: Scientific Reports. 11, 1, 23332.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Optical and Transport Properties of Epitaxial Pb0.74Sn0.26Te(In) Films with a Modifiable Surface

    Ikonnikov, A. V., Dudin, V. S., Artamkin, A. I., Akimov, A. N., Klimov, A. E., Tereshchenko, O. E., Ryabova, L. I. & Khokhlov, D. R., 1 Sept 2020, In: Semiconductors. 54, 9, p. 1086-1091 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Optical Phonon Spectrum of the Ge2Sb2Te5 Single Crystal

    Talochkin, A. B., Kokh, K. A. & Tereshchenko, O. E., May 2021, In: JETP Letters. 113, 10, p. 651-656 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Origin of spin-polarized photocurrents in the topological surface states of Bi2Se3

    Ketterl, A. S., Otto, S., Bastian, M., Andres, B., Gahl, C., Minár, J., Ebert, H., Braun, J., Tereshchenko, O. E., Kokh, K. A., Fauster, T. & Weinelt, M., 8 Oct 2018, In: Physical Review B. 98, 15, 7 p., 155406.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Photoemission and Injection Properties of a Vacuum Photodiode with Two Negative-Electron-Affinity Semiconductor Electrodes

    Rodionov, A. A., Golyashov, V. A., Chistokhin, I. B., Jaroshevich, A. S., Derebezov, I. A., Haisler, V. A., Shamirzaev, T. S., Marakhovka, I. I., Kopotilov, A. V., Kislykh, N. V., Mironov, A. V., Aksenov, V. V. & Tereshchenko, O. E., 26 Sept 2017, In: Physical Review Applied. 8, 3, 8 p., 034026.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Photoemission Properties of a Multialkali Photocathode

    Rusetsky, V. S., Golyashov, V. A., Mironov, A. V., Demin, A. Y. & Tereshchenko, O. E., Sept 2021, In: Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing. 57, 5, p. 505-510 6 p., 8.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Polarization-resolved resonant Raman excitation of surface and bulk electronic bands and phonons in MBE-grown topological insulator thin films

    Kumar, N., Ishchenko, D. V., Milekhin, I. A., Yunin, P. A., Kyrova, E. D., Korsakov, A. V. & Tereshchenko, O. E., 5 Nov 2024, In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 26, 46, p. 29036-29047 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Preparation of an Atomically Clean and Structurally Ordered Bi2Se3 (0001) Surface without Molecular Beams and Vacuum Cleaving

    Tarasov, A. S., Golyashov, V. A., Akhundov, I. O., Ishchenko, D. V., Kozhukhov, A. S., Kokh, K. A. & Tereshchenko, O. E., Jun 2022, In: Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 16, 3, p. 479-482 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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