1. 2022
  2. Кинетика полимеров

    Образовский, Е. Г., 2022, 2-е изд. ed. Москва: Юрайт. 209 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportTeaching manualpeer-review

  3. Компьютерное моделирование физических процессов с использованием Matlab

    Коткин, Г. Л., Попов, Л. К. & Черкасский, В. С., 2022, 2-е, испр. и доп. ed. Москва: Юрайт. 202 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportTeaching manualpeer-review

  4. Конспект лекций по основам физики элементарных частиц : учебное пособие

    Сковпень, Ю. И., 2022, Новосибирск: ИПЦ НГУ. 36 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportTeaching manualpeer-review

  5. Лекции по квантовой механике : учебное пособие

    Мильштейн, А. И. & Резниченко, А. В., 2022, 2-е, испр. ed. Новосибирск: ИПЦ НГУ. 196 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportTeaching manualpeer-review

  6. Физика сплошных сред

    Лотов, К. В., 2022, 2-е, испр. и доп. ed. Москва: Юрайт. 135 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportTeaching manualpeer-review

  7. 2021
  8. Search for Lepton-Flavor Violation in Z -Boson Decays with τ Leptons with the ATLAS Detector

    The ATLAS collaboration, 31 Dec 2021, In: Physical Review Letters. 127, 27, 271801.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Measurement of Differential Branching Fractions of Inclusive B →xuℓ+νℓ Decays

    The BELLE collaboration, 24 Dec 2021, In: Physical Review Letters. 127, 26, A87.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Search for Long-Lived Particles Decaying in the CMS End Cap Muon Detectors in Proton-Proton Collisions at s =13 TeV

    The CMS collaboration, 24 Dec 2021, In: Physical Review Letters. 127, 26, A90.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Automatically hemodynamic analysis of AAA from CT images based on deep learning and CFD approaches

    Fedotova, Y. V., Epifanov, R. U. I., Karpenko, A. A. & Mullyadzhanov, R. I., 15 Dec 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2119, 1, 012069.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  12. Large-eddy simulation of a reacting swirling flow in a model combustion chamber

    Hrebtov, M. Y., Palkin, E. V., Slastnaya, D. A., Mullyadzhanov, R. I. & Alekseenko, S. V., 15 Dec 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2119, 1, 012031.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  13. Large-eddy simulations of a swirling flow in a model Francis turbine

    Palkin, E. V., Hrebtov, M. Y. & Mullyadzhanov, R. I., 15 Dec 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2119, 1, 012026.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  14. Numerical simulation of the surfactants effect on the Taylor bubble in the PHP

    Alekseev, M. V., Vozhakov, I. S. & Cheverda, V. V., 15 Dec 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2119, 1, 012173.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  15. Quasi-periodic forces and conditionally averaged characteristics of unsteady cavitation flow around a hydrofoil

    Ivashchenko, E. I., Hrebtov, M. Y. & Mullyadzhanov, R. I., 15 Dec 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2119, 1, 012030.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  16. Radiation of argon clustered flow particles outside the exciting electron beam

    Dubrovin, K. A., Zarvin, A. E., Rebrov, A. K., Konstantinov, S. E., Borynyak, K. I., Yaskin, A. S. & Kalyada, V. V., 15 Dec 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2119, 1, 012118.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  17. The effect of Reynolds number on near-wall reverse flow in a turbulent duct flow

    Ivashchenko, V. A., Zaripov, D. I. & Mullyadzhanov, R. I., 15 Dec 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2119, 1, 012032.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  18. Cross sections for the reactions e+e- →k+K-π+π- (π0), K+K-K+K- (π0), π+π-π+π- (π0), p p ¯ π+π- (π0) in the energy region between 3.773 and 4.600 GeV

    BESIII Collaboration, 1 Dec 2021, In: Physical Review D. 104, 11, A44.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  19. Dark matter dilution scenarios in the early universe

    Chaudhuri, A. & Khlopov, M. Y., 1 Dec 2021, In: International Journal of Modern Physics D. 30, 16, 2140008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  20. Measurements of q2 moments of inclusive B →xcℓ+νℓ decays with hadronic tagging

    The BELLE collaboration, 1 Dec 2021, In: Physical Review D. 104, 11, A46.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  21. Observation of the electromagnetic Dalitz decay D∗0 →d0e+e-

    BESIII Collaboration, 1 Dec 2021, In: Physical Review D. 104, 11, A47.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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