1. 2018
  2. New Haplotypes of the Mitochondrial Gene CytB in the Nesting Population of the Siberian Black Kite Milvus migrans lineatus Gray, 1831 in the Territory of the Republic of Tyva

    Andreyenkova, N. G., Andreyenkov, O. V., Karyakin, I. V. & Zhimulev, I. F., 1 Sept 2018, In: Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics. 482, 1, p. 242-244 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Red fox genome assembly identifies genomic regions associated with tame and aggressive behaviours

    Kukekova, A. V., Johnson, J. L., Xiang, X., Feng, S., Liu, S., Rando, H. M., Kharlamova, A. V., Herbeck, Y., Serdyukova, N. A., Xiong, Z., Beklemischeva, V., Koepfli, K. P., Gulevich, R. G., Vladimirova, A. V., Hekman, J. P., Perelman, P. L., Graphodatsky, A. S., O’Brien, S. J., Wang, X., Clark, A. G., & 3 othersAcland, G. M., Trut, L. N. & Zhang, G., 1 Sept 2018, In: Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2, 9, p. 1479-1491 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. First cytogenetic analysis of lesser gymnures (Mammalia, Galericidae, Hylomys) from Vietnam

    Pavlova, S. V., Biltueva, L. S., Romanenko, S. A., Lemskaya, N. A., Shchinov, A. V., Abramov, A. V. & Rozhnov, V. V., 23 Aug 2018, In: Comparative Cytogenetics. 12, 3, p. 361-372 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Pinniped karyotype evolution substantiated by comparative chromo-some painting of 10 pinniped species (Pinnipedia, Carnivora)

    Beklemisheva, V. R., Perelman, P. L., Lemskaya, N. A., Kulemzina, A. I., Proskuryakova, A. A., Burkanov, V. N., O'Brien, S. J. & Graphodatsky, A. S., 16 Aug 2018, In: Comparative Cytogenetics. 12, 3, p. 306-307 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review

  6. Sequencing of supernumerary chromosomes of red fox and raccoon dog confirms a non-random gene acquisition by B chromosomes

    Makunin, A. I., Romanenko, S. A., Beklemisheva, V. R., Perelman, P. L., Druzhkova, A. S., Petrova, K. O., Prokopov, D. Y., Chernyaeva, E. N., Johnson, J. L., Kukekova, A. V., Yang, F., Ferguson-Smith, M. A., Graphodatsky, A. S. & Trifonov, V. A., 10 Aug 2018, In: Genes. 9, 8, 14 p., 405.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. B cell-specific protein FCRLA is expressed by plasmacytoid dendritic cells in humans

    Reshetnikova, E., Guselnikov, S., Volkova, O., Baranov, K., Taranin, A. & Mechetina, L., 1 Jul 2018, In: Cytometry Part B - Clinical Cytometry. 94, 4, p. 683-687 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. The case of X and Y localization of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in tragulus javanicus (Cetartiodactyla, Mammalia)

    Proskuryakova, A. A., Kulemzina, A. I., Perelman, P. L., Serdukova, N. A., Ryder, O. A. & Graphodatsky, A. S., 20 Jun 2018, In: Genes. 9, 6, 8 p., 312.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Ultrastructural analysis of mitotic Drosophila S2 cells identifies distinctive microtubule and intracellular membrane behaviors

    Strunov, A., Boldyreva, L. V., Andreyeva, E. N., Pavlova, G. A., Popova, J. V., Razuvaeva, A. V., Anders, A. F., Renda, F., Pindyurin, A. V., Gatti, M. & Kiseleva, E., 15 Jun 2018, In: BMC Biology. 16, 1, p. 68 21 p., 68.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Diversity of immunoglobulin light chain genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish uncovers IgL subdivision into five ancient isotypes

    Guselnikov, S. V., Baranov, K. O., Najakshin, A. M., Mechetina, L. V., Chikaev, N. A., Makunin, A. I., Kulemzin, S. V., Andreyushkova, D. A., Stöck, M., Wuertz, S., Gessner, J., Warren, W. C., Schartl, M., Trifonov, V. A. & Taranin, A. V., 28 May 2018, In: Frontiers in Immunology. 9, MAY, p. 1079 15 p., 1079.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Chromosome synapsis and recombination in male-sterile and female-fertile interspecies hybrids of the dwarf hamsters (Phodopus, cricetidae)

    Bikchurina, T. I., Tishakova, K. V., Kizilova, E. A., Romanenko, S. A., Serdyukova, N. A., Torgasheva, A. A. & Borodin, P. M., 25 Apr 2018, In: Genes. 9, 5, 15 p., 227.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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