1. Generation of highly-chirped dissipative solitons in Er-doped all-fiber oscillator

    Zhdanov, I. S., Kharenko, D. S., Podivilov, E. V., Babin, S. A., Apolonski, A., Bednyakova, A. E., Fedoruk, M. P. & Turitsyn, S. K., 22 May 2017, 2017 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring, PIERS 2017. Electromagnetics Academy, Vol. Part F134321. p. 1605-1609 5 p. (Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  2. Generation of high-power few-cycle femtosecond IR pulses by double-chirp parametric amplification

    Frolov, S. A. & Trunov, V. I., Dec 2020, In: Quantum Electronics. 50, 12, p. 1126-1133 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Generation of Narrow Modes in Random Raman Fiber Laser Based on Multimode Fiber

    Ватник, И. Д., Горбунов, О. А. & Чуркин, Д. В., Jan 2024, In: Photonics. 11, 1, 2.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Generation of narrow modes within incoherent radiation of random distributed feedback fiber laser

    Churkin, D. V., Sugavanam, S. & Vatnik, I. D., 2020, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications II. Ferrari, M., Mackenzie, J. I. & Taccheo, S. (eds.). SPIE, 113570F. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11357).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  5. Generation of powerful ultrashort Raman pulses near 1.3 micron in external phosphosilicatefibercavity

    Kharenko, D. S., Efremov, V. D. & Babin, S. A., 22 Nov 2017, 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2017. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., Vol. 2017-January. p. 1-3 3 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  6. Generation of powerful ultrashort Raman pulses near 1.3 micron in external phosphosilicate-fiber cavity

    Kharenko, D. S., Efremov, V. D. & Babin, S. A., 1 Jan 2017, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, CLEOPR 2017. OSA - The Optical Society, Vol. Part F122-CLEOPR 2017. s1678

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  7. Generation of Raman Dissipative Solitons in an External Phosphosilicate All-Fiber Cavity

    Kharenko, D. S., Efremov, V. D. & Babin, S. A., 1 Jan 2019, 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2019 - Proceedings: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2 p. 8750570. (2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2019 - Proceedings).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  8. Generation of Raman dissipative solitons near 1.3 microns in a phosphosilicate-fiber cavity

    Kharenko, D. S., Efremov, V. D., Evmenova, E. A. & Babin, S. A., 11 Jun 2018, In: Optics Express. 26, 12, p. 15084-15089 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Geometric phase in open quantum system as a function of its history

    Yakovleva, T. S., Rostom, A. M., Tomilin, V. A. & Il’ichov, L. V., 1 Jun 2019, In: Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations. 6, 2, p. 217-224 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Geometric phase transferred from photonic mode to atomic BEC

    Yakovleva, T. S., Rostom, A. M., Tomilin, V. A. & Il'ichov, L. V., 1 Apr 2019, In: Optics Communications. 436, p. 52-56 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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