3101 - 3110 out of 3,993Page size: 10
  1. Experimental Study of Transient Flow Regimes in a Model Hydroturbine Draft Tube

    Litvinov, I., Suslov, D., Gorelikov, E. & Shtork, S., 1 Mar 2021, In: Energies. 14, 5, 13 p., 1240.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Experimental study of the topological flow transformations in an aerial vortex bioreactor with a floating washer

    Naumov, I. V., Gevorgiz, R. G., Skripkin, S. G., Tintulova, M. V., Tsoi, M. A. & Sharifullin, B. R., Aug 2023, In: Biotechnology journal. 18, 8, e2200644.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Experimental study of the rivulet movement on the surface of the heated liquid film

    Semionov, V. V., Shatskiy, E. N. & Chinnov, E. A., 28 Nov 2018, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1105, 1, 4 p., 012074.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  4. Experimental study of the natural disturbance development in a supersonic flat plate boundary layer with a wavy surface

    Panina, A., Kosinov, A., Semionov, N. & Yermolaev, Y., 26 Jul 2019, High Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, HEPCM 2019: Proceedings of the XXVI Conference on High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of S.A. Chaplygin. Fomin, V. (ed.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 4 p. 030107. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2125).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  5. Experimental study of the laminar-turbulent transition on models of wings with subsonic and supersonic leading edge at M = 2

    Semionov, N. V., Yermolaev, Y. G., Kosinov, A. D., Kocharin, V. L., Panina, A. V., Semenov, A. N., Shipul, S. A. & Yatskikh, A. A., 6 Dec 2019, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1404, 1, 012097.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  6. Experimental study of the impact of N-wave on heat transfer in a boundary layer of a flat plate at the Mach number 2

    Kocharin, V. L., Yatskikh, A. A., Prishchepova, D. S., Panina, A. V., Yermolaev, Y. G., Kosinov, A. D., Semionov, N. V. & Afanasev, L. V., 24 May 2021, International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research, ICMAR 2020. Fomin, V. M. & Shiplyuk, A. (eds.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 040036. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2351).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  7. Experimental study of the e+e-→ nn¯ process at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider with the SND detector

    SND Collaboration, Aug 2022, In: European Physical Journal C. 82, 8, 761.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Experimental study of the effects of couple weak waves on laminar-turbulent transition on attachment-line of a swept cylinder

    Yermolaev, Y. G., Yatskih, A. A., Kosinov, A. D., Semionov, N. V., Kolosov, G. L. & Panina, A. V., 13 Oct 2016, International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research, ICMAR 2016: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research. Fomin, V. (ed.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 120012. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 1770).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  9. Experimental Study of the e+e−→n(Formula Presented.) Process at the VEPP-2000 Collider with the SND Detector

    Achasov, M. N., Barnyakov, A. Y., Beloborodov, K. I., Berdyugin, A. V., Bogdanchikov, A. G., Botov, A. A., Dimova, T. V., Druzhinin, V. P., Kardapoltsev, L. V., Kharlamov, A. G., Korol, A. A., Kovrizhin, D. P., Kupich, A. S., Melnikova, N. A., Muchnoy, N. Y., Obrazovsky, A. E., Pakhtusova, E. V., Pugachev, K. V., Serednyakov, S. I., Shtol, D. A., & 5 othersSilagadze, Z. K., Surin, I. K., Usov, Y. V., Zhabin, V. N. & Zhulanov, V. V., Aug 2023, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei. 54, 4, p. 624-629 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Experimental study of the disturbances generated by localized surface vibrations in the flat plate boundary layer

    Katasonov, M. M., Kozlov, V. V. & Pavlenko, A. M., 26 Oct 2017, Proceedings of the XXV Conference on High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, HEPCM 2017: Dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS. Fomin (ed.). American Institute of Physics Inc., Vol. 1893. 6 p. 030093. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 1893).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

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