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  1. Search for doubly and singly charged Higgs bosons decaying into vector bosons in multi-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector using proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

    The ATLAS collaboration & Bogdanchikov, A. G., Jun 2021, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021, 6, 146.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Search for displaced vertices of oppositely charged leptons from decays of long-lived particles in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

    The ATLAS collaboration, Анисёнков, А. В., Бузыкаев, А. Р., Казанин, В. Ф. & Bogdanchikov, A. G., 10 Feb 2020, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 801, 21 p., 135114.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Search for Displaced Leptons in s =13 TeV pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector

    The ATLAS collaboration, 30 Jul 2021, In: Physical Review Letters. 127, 5, 051802.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Search for disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV

    The CMS collaboration, 10 Jul 2020, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 806, 27 p., 135502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Search for disappearing tracks as a signature of new long-lived particles in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV

    The CMS collaboration, 1 Aug 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018, 8, 40 p., 16.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Search for direct top squark pair production in final states with two leptons in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

    The ATLAS collaboration, 1 Dec 2017, In: European Physical Journal C. 77, 12, 898.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Search for direct top squark pair production in events with one lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum at 13 TeV with the CMS experiment

    The CMS collaboration, 8 May 2020, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020, 5, 50 p., 32.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Search for direct top squark pair production in events with a Higgs or Z boson, and missing transverse momentum in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

    The ATLAS collaboration, 1 Aug 2017, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017, 8, 46 p., 6.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Search for direct stau production in events with two hadronic τ-leptons in s =13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

    The ATLAS collaboration, Бузыкаев, А. Р. & Bogdanchikov, A. G., 1 Feb 2020, In: Physical Review D. 101, 3, 30 p., 032009.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Search for direct production of the f1(1285) resonance in e+e collisions

    Achasov, M. N., Barnyakov, A. Y., Beloborodov, K. I., Berdyugin, A. V., Berkaev, D. E., Bogdanchikov, A. G., Botov, A. A., Dimova, T. V., Druzhinin, V. P., Golubev, V. B., Kardapoltsev, L. V., Kasaev, A. S., Kharlamov, A. G., Koop, I. A., Korol, A. A., Kovrizhin, D. P., Koshuba, S. V., Kupich, A. S., Litvinov, R. A., Lysenko, A. P., & 18 othersMartin, K. A., Melnikova, N. A., Muchnoi, N. Y., Obrazovsky, A. E., Pakhtusova, E. V., Perevedentsev, E. A., Pugachev, K. V., Serednyakov, S. I., Silagadze, Z. K., Shatunov, P. Y., Shatunov, Y. M., Shtol, D. A., Shwartz, D. B., Surin, I. K., Usov, Y. V., Zemlyansky, I. M., Zhabin, V. N. & Zhulanov, V. V., 10 Jan 2020, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 800, 5 p., 135074.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

ID: 3085556