1. 2020
  2. Techniques for generation of annular surface plasmon polaritons with refractive binary and reflective cylindrical diffraction gratings

    Knyazev, B. A., Choporova, Y. Y., Gerasimov, V. V., Kameshkov, O. E., Khasanov, I. S., Krasnopevtsev, S. E., Nikitin, A. K., Osintseva, N. D., Pavelyev, V. S., Tukmakov, K. N. & Reshetnikov, A. S., 17 Nov 2020, Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Radiation: Generation and Application, SFR 2020. Knyazev, B. & Vinokurov, N. (eds.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 030011. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  3. The relaxation times of donor bound electrons in germanium

    Zhukavin, R. K., Kovalevsky, K. A., Choporova, Y. Y., Tsyplenkov, V. V., Pavlov, S. G., Abrosimov, N. V., Bushuikin, P. A., Deßmann, N., Knyazev, B. A., Hübers, H. W. & Shastin, V. N., 17 Nov 2020, Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Radiation: Generation and Application, SFR 2020. Knyazev, B. & Vinokurov, N. (eds.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 030006. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  4. THz gas sensing based on subwavelength rectangular metal grating in attenuated total reflection configuration

    Gerasimov, V. V., Kameshkov, O. E. & Knyazev, B. A., 17 Nov 2020, Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Radiation: Generation and Application, SFR 2020. Knyazev, B. & Vinokurov, N. (eds.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 030013. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  5. Towards multichannel terahertz telecommunication based on mode division multiplexing

    Pavelyev, V. S., Tukmakov, K. N., Choporova, Y. Y., Osintseva, N. D. & Knyazev, B. A., 17 Nov 2020, Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Radiation: Generation and Application, SFR 2020. Knyazev, B. & Vinokurov, N. (eds.). American Institute of Physics Inc., 030002. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 2299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  6. Observation of Enhanced Double Parton Scattering in Proton-Lead Collisions at sNN =8.16 TeV

    The LHCb Collaboration, Кудрявцев, В. Н. & Воробьев, В. С., 20 Nov 2020, In: Physical Review Letters. 125, 21, 212001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Evidence for Top Quark Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

    The CMS collaboration & Блинов, В. Е., 24 Nov 2020, In: Physical Review Letters. 125, 22, 18 p., 222001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Diffractive production of Λ hyperons in the high-energy limit of strong interactions

    Celiberto, F. G., Ivanov, D. Y. & Papa, A., 25 Nov 2020, In: Physical Review D. 102, 9, 13 p., 094019.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Search for Higgs Boson Decays into a Z Boson and a Light Hadronically Decaying Resonance Using 13 TeV pp Collision Data from the ATLAS Detector

    The ATLAS collaboration & Bogdanchikov, A. G., 25 Nov 2020, In: Physical Review Letters. 125, 22, 22 p., 221802.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. An optical method for determination of the mass thickness of thin gold films with arbitrary morphology

    Starinskiy, S. V., Safonov, A. I., Sulyaeva, V. S., Rodionov, A. A., Shukhov, Y. G. & Bulgakov, A. V., 30 Nov 2020, In: Thin Solid Films. 714, 7 p., 138392.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Measurement of the top quark Yukawa coupling from t t ¯ kinematic distributions in the dilepton final state in proton-proton collisions at s =13 TeV

    The CMS collaboration & Блинов, В. Е., 30 Nov 2020, In: Physical Review D. 102, 9, 29 p., 092013.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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