1. 2020
  2. CP Properties of Higgs Boson Interactions with Top Quarks in the t t ¯ H and tH Processes Using H →γγ with the ATLAS Detector

    The ATLAS collaboration & Bogdanchikov, A. G., 7 Aug 2020, In: Physical Review Letters. 125, 6, 21 p., 061802.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Giant magnetic field effects in donor-acceptor triads: On the charge separation and recombination dynamics in triarylamine-naphthalenediimide triads with bis-diyprrinato-palladium(II), porphodimethenato-palladium(II), and palladium(II)-porphyrin photosensitizers

    Riese, S., Brand, J. S., Mims, D., Holzapfel, M., Lukzen, N. N., Steiner, U. E. & Lambert, C., 7 Aug 2020, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 153, 5, 19 p., 054306.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Measurements of t t ¯ H Production and the CP Structure of the Yukawa Interaction between the Higgs Boson and Top Quark in the Diphoton Decay Channel

    The CMS collaboration, 7 Aug 2020, In: Physical Review Letters. 125, 6, 18 p., 061801.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Measurement of azimuthal anisotropy of muons from charm and bottom hadrons in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector

    The ATLAS collaboration & Bogdanchikov, A. G., 10 Aug 2020, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 807, 23 p., 135595.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. A QCM-based rupture event scanning technique as a simple and reliable approach to study the kinetics of DNA duplex dissociation

    Kurus, N. N., Dultsev, F. N., Golyshev, V. M., Nekrasov, D. V., Pyshnyi, D. V. & Lomzov, A. A., 14 Aug 2020, In: Analytical Methods. 12, 30, p. 3771-3777 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Joule heater based on single-layer graphene

    Smovzh, D. V., Kostogrud, I. A., Boyko, E. V., Matochkin, P. E. & Pilnik, A. A., 14 Aug 2020, In: Nanotechnology. 31, 33, 7 p., 335704.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Observation of the y (4220) and y (4390) in the process e+e-→ηJ/ψ

    BESIII Collaboration, 15 Aug 2020, In: Physical Review D. 102, 3, 031101.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. An approach for identification of ultrahigh energy extensive air showers with scintillation detectors at TAIGA experiment

    the TAIGA Collaboration & Вайдянатан, А., Sept 2020, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 15, 9, 9 p., C09037.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Bubble diameters variation along the gas-liquid flow in a flat channel at various inclination angles

    Gorelikova, A. E., Randin, V. V. & Chinak, A. V., Sept 2020, In: Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. 27, 5, p. 767-773 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Development of a novel wide-angle gamma-ray imaging air Cherenkov telescope with SiPM-based camera for the TAIGA hybrid installation

    the TAIGA Collaboration, Вайдянатан, А. & Воробьев, В. С., Sept 2020, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 15, 9, 14 p., C09062.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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