2201 - 2210 out of 2,862Page size: 10
  1. Stability properties of an Rb CPT atomic clock with buffer-gas-free cells under dynamic excitation

    Kobtsev, S., Radnatarov, D., Khripunov, S., Popkov, I., Andryushkov, V. & Steshchenko, T., 1 Oct 2019, In: Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 36, 10, p. 2700-2704 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Stabilization of Ti5Al11 at room temperature in ternary Ti-Al-Me (Me = Au, Pd, Mn, Pt) systems

    Lazurenko, D. V., Dovzhenko, G. D., Lozanov, V. V., Petrov, I. Y., Ogneva, T. S., Emurlaev, K. I. & Bataev, I. A., 25 May 2023, In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 944, 169244.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Statistical analysis of vapor distribution in a cavitation flow based on an ensemble of instantaneous liquid velocity fields

    Severin, A. S., Timoshevskiy, M. V., Ilyushin, B. B. & Pervunin, K. S., 15 Dec 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2119, 1, 012046.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  4. Statistical Evidence for the Role of Southwestern Indian Ocean Heat Content in the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall

    Venugopal, T., Ali, M. M., Bourassa, M. A., Zheng, Y., Goni, G. J., Foltz, G. R. & Rajeevan, M., 14 Aug 2018, In: Scientific Reports. 8, 1, p. 12092 10 p., 12092.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Statistical mechanics of beam self-cleaning in GRIN multimode optical fibers

    Mangini, F., Gervaziev, M., Ferraro, M., Kharenko, D. S., Zitelli, M., Sun, Y., Couderc, V., Podivilov, E. V., Babin, S. A. & Wabnitz, S., 28 Mar 2022, In: Optics Express. 30, 7, p. 10850-10865 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Statistical occurrence of soliton content in the conventional optical WDM signals

    Sedov, E. V., Redyuk, A. A., Fedoruk, M. P. & Turitsyn, S. K., 2 Nov 2020, Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2020, ICLO 2020. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 9285623. (Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2020, ICLO 2020).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  7. Status and First Results of TAIGA

    the TAIGA Collaboration, Nov 2021, In: Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 84, 6, p. 1045-1052 8 p., 23.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Status and program of concept exploration helical mirror device

    Sudnikov, A. V., Beklemishev, A. D., Postupaev, V. V., Ivanov, I. A., Burdakov, A. V., Inzhevatkina, A. A. & Zhuravlev, N. A., 1 Jan 2017, 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017. European Physical Society , P1.139

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  9. Status and Prospects of VEPP-5 Injection Complex

    Emanov, F. A., Andrianov, A. V., Astrelina, K. V., Balakin, V. V., Barnyakov, A. M., Belikov, O. V., Berkaev, D. E., Blinov, M. F., Boimelshtain, Y. M., Bolkhovityanov, D. Y., Dikansky, N. S., Frolov, A. R., Karpov, G. V., Kasaev, A. S., Kondakov, A. A., Kuptsov, I. V., Koop, I. A., Kurkin, G. Y., Lapik, R. M., Lebedev, N. N., & 16 othersLevichev, A. E., Maltseva, Y. I., Murasev, A. A., Nikiforov, D. A., Pavlenko, A. V., Rashchenko, V. V., Samoylov, S. L., Vasiliev, S. V., Zemlyansky, I. M., Rogovsky, Y. A., Krutikhin, S. A., Martinovsky, A. Y., Motigin, S. V., Pilan, A. M., Sedliarov, I. K. & Tribendis, A. G., 1 Dec 2018, In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 15, 7, p. 720-723 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Status of laser polarimeter at VEPP-4M

    Blinov, V. E., Bedareva, T. V., Zakharov, S. A., Kaminskiy, V. V., Kudryavtsev, V. N., Muchnoi, N. Y., Nikitin, S. A., Nikolaev, I. B. & Shekhtman, L. I., Aug 2020, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 15, 8, 10 p., C08024.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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